Government of Cameroon and the Center for
International Forestry Research (CIFOR) signed an
agreement to guarantee the survival of Cameroon's
forests and the livelihood of people who depend on
forests. "Cameroon is an important piece in the
jig-saw puzzle of the six Congo Basin countries,
which contain the world's second largest
rainforest," noted CIFOR's regional co-coordinator,
Cyrie Sendashonga.
Africa's Congo Basin harbors enormous plant and
animal diversity. Its forests also contribute to
the survival and livelihood of millions of people.
According to the World Bank, forests around the
world provide 1.6 billion people with food, fuel
and other life-essentials. One in four western
pharmaceuticals is also derived from rainforest
For more
information, contact Janneke Romijn at
visit http://www.cgiar.org/monthlystory/april2007.html.
Cameroon is
Africa in One Country
by Jerry
W. Bird
you dance, you vibrate - and he who vibrates lives."
Popular quotation.
Cameroon, West Africa's highest peak, stands like a giant
sentinel, gazing out over the Gulf of Guinea on Africa's
Atlantic Coast. Among it's legendary names is "Throne of
Thunder," a fitting tribute to the powerful
gods that are
said to inhabit the mountain's inner core. Our group of
travel agents and journalists approached the 'throne'
shortly after one of its frequent volcanic eruptions, and
the ribbons of cooled lava resembled grey frosting oozing
from an enormous layer cake. The lava beds are evident from
the main highway to Kribi and a hiking trail winds up and
over them. The warning signs advised us to pay respect and
to tread gently in this eco- sensitive area. Mount
Cameroon's rugged peak is the crown jewel of a chain of
volcanic mountains that are strung like a giant pearl
necklace along the Cameroon Nigeria border. The range
stretches from here all the way to the northern plains of
Maroua, gateway to Waza National Park - and that's just part
of the "Grand Tour of Cameroon, Africa in One Country" a
prestige edition of Africa Travel Magazine making its debut
in fall 2004.
Minister of Tourism (at the time) , Hon. Pierre Helé,
puts "ecology first" in his country's efforts to win an
important share of the tourist trade from North America and
other markets. Each February the popular ' Course of Hope.'
attracts aspiring climbers to the area and we're told that,
while the ascent is challenging, it's not dangerous or
overly strenuous. Many other sights would amaze and impress
us that day and in the week to follow. Speaking personally,
this trip was by far the most complete tour of any ATA-
African host country I had experienced to date. At its
conclusion most travelers in our group were tired - and
somewhat bedazzled - yet I enjoyed a feeling of solid
accomplishment. As a result I will never forget Cameroon and
always hunger for more.
At Home in
Yaounde, Cameroon's Capital
spending several fun
weeks in Yaounde. Cameroon's capital city, the place really
started to feel like home. Almost everyone we encountered
knew who we were and made us welcome, and the local print
and broadcast media were anxious to record and publish our
views on the country and its potential for trade and
tourism. To say that I am yearning to return at the drop of
a hat is truly an understatement - the Yaounde experience
stands out as one of the most unforgettable periods of my
life. Our book of memories is full to the brim with images
of Cameroon and its people, and our magazine's photo library
is loaded with great scenes. Having a background in audio
visual writing and production, one facet I remember most
vividly about Yaounde was the endless number of superb
cinemascopic vistas, starting with the view from the Hilton
Yaounde's penthouse. Cruising the winding road to the Mount
Febé Hotel is awesome, and the impressive route that
leads to the modern government complex makes you think
you're on the Riviera. After all, like Rome, this emerging
Africa capital incorporates seven charming hills, and each
offers a different set of perspectives. More->
Road to
economic success
This progressive country is already high on the
preferred list in terms of business travel. Scan the
financial pages, or dig a little deeper in the Internet, and
you'll see what I mean - the country is rich with potential
in terms of agriculture, forestry, marine life, minerals and
natural resources. And a word to the wise, "Where business
goes, tourism flows" - and vice versa. Europeans discovered
long ago what most North Americans have yet to learn - that
Cameroon is a Tourism Mecca in the raw. Ministry officials
agree with with the popular expression that their land is
Africa in One country." In other words Cameroon is a little
bit of everything, or as my Grade 9 Spanish textbook said in
its title, "de todo un poco."
and The Cameroon Story
Cameroon's largest city with over 2 million inhabitants, has
hosted two major events
sponsored by the Africa
Travel Association since 2001. During post tours, we had
many opportunities to sample the hospitality and feel the
true spirit of the people, who make up this land they call
Africa in One country. Nowhere was this feeling more evident
than in Douala during the Ngondo Festival, a spectacle
unlike anything I've ever seen in Africa. Annual festivals
and gala events abound throughout West Africa, but this one
tops them all as a simply outstanding spectacle that has
deep spiritual significance. Having read Wilbur Smith's
great book "The River God," concerning life on the Nile and
Blue Nile in ancient times, I have been keenly interested in
the rivers of Central Africa and the mysteries they hold. In
this case, the Wouri River, focal point of the Ngondo
Festival in Douala, has its own River Gods, it's a ceremony
involving the "water spirits," who communicate their message
in an unusual way.
Comment: In addition
to the Hon. Minister Hele, we thank our tour supervisors
Ebenezer Elimbi, Jean Npombo and Boniface Piga. They were
great companions throughout my 30 days in the country. Our
travels in Cameroon will eventually be compiled in a book
that will help future travelers from North America enjoy
this fascinating country to the fullest. It was a month we
will treasure forever, and even as time passes, the images
and voices of Cameroon have not faded one iota - they've
become even more vivid in the theater of my mind. What I
truly love about the many Cameroonians whom I've come to
know - is that to a person, they "Accentuate the
Located on the West
coast of Africa,Cameroon (population 15,000,00) is bordered
by Nigeria, Gabon, Chad, Central African Republic, Congo and
Equatorial Guinea. While there are over 200 tribal groups,
the main languages of commerce are French and English. Much
of the architecture remains from the country's days as a
German colony. Cameroon's Atlantic Ocean coastline extends
400 km, offering long stretches of beach. The varied climate
ranges from tropical rain forest to open Savannah, with high
mountain ranges on the North West border. Throughout
Cameroon there are areas of thermal springs for those who
like an outdoor health spa retreat. As they say, "A little
bit of everything."
National Park.
can observe elephant, giraffe, ostrich, antelope, gazelle
and lion - and a variety of birds. Lions are best observed
during April. NATIONAL PARKS
Cameroon contains various national parks spread
throughout the country.

Waza National Park covers an area of 170,000 hectares and
includes lions, giraffes, elephants, cobs, ostriches,
sassabies (antelopes), leopards, waterbuck, etc. It is
the most famous park in Cameroon and one of the most
spectacular in French-speaking Africa. Located in the
Far North Region, 120km from Maroua, it is a haven for
the big cats and other animal species as well for many
varieties of birds. This park is an absolute must to
Bouba Ndjida National Park extends over 220,000
hectares. Rhinos, lions, Lord Derby Eland
(antelopes), elephants, etc., are all to be found here.
It is situated in the North Region, 270km from Garoua
and is considered THE area for rhinos.
Bénoué National Park with a surface area of 180,000
hectares contains a large number of hippos,
Lord Derby Eland (antelopes), hyenas, panthers, etc.
Situated in the centre of the North Region, 170km from
Garous, it is the favourite place for the largest
antelopes such as the Lord Derby Eland.
Faro National Park, 225km from Garoua,extending
over 330,000 hectares, is a park where rhinos,
buffalo, elephants, giraffes, etc., may easily be
Kalamaloué National Park, with its 45,000 hectares on
the Mokolo road in the Far North, is above all, a
special place for botany enthusiasts.
Mozoko Gokoro National Park, covering 1,400 hectares, is
exceptional by way of its wealth of plant and animal
species. It is situated in the Mayo Tsanaga Département,
in the Far North Region.
Korup National Park is located in the
South-West Region, and is a forest reserve known
throughout the world covering an area of 125,600
hectares. It is considered as one of the oldest
and most beautiful tropical forests in the world. Its
wealth of flora and fauna derive from the fact that
Korup survived the ice age and is now a true ecological

Lobéké National Park extending over 4,300 hectares is
a forest and animal reserve, as well as being a gorilla
sanctuary, in the east of the country.
Campo Ma'an National Park in the south of the
country boasts a rich variety of animal species, being
inhabited by elephants and chimpanzees which take
advantage of the luxuriant forest.
Nature Reserves
Apart from the National Parks, Cameroon offers many
reserves devoted to flora and fauna. Pangar-Djerem,
Dja, Kribi, Mbi Crater, Douala, Edéa, Kalfou, Lac Ossa,
Santchou, Bafia… to name but a few.
Dja reserve is a
sanctuary for gorillas and chimpanzees and
various other animal and plant species may be observed
Other sites
Generally speaking, possibilities for exploration and
discovery are available just about everywhere in the
country, including in close proximity to towns.
The beautiful landscapes of the West and North
Regions are particularly suitable for picnics.
Cameroon is a true crossroads of African art and culture and
contains more than two hundred ethnic groups which make up the
profuse artistic and cultural heritage of the country.
Pygmies, Bantus, Sudanese, Arab-Berbers and many others form this
extraordinary mixture of populations, with each ethnic
group contributing its traditions, art and music.
“Ngondo” and “Mpo'o” tribes on the coast combine dance,
magic, disguise and canoe races.
the West and North-West Regions, funerals are
occasions for big, highly colourful ceremonies, in honour of the
During the
ceremonies held in the North, you can watch magnificent
colourful processions.
“buma” dances are typical of pygmies from the south of the
equatorial forest.
statuettes, music instruments, everything adds up to perpetuate
age-old traditions and rites of the African continent.
