
Pearl of West Africa hosts ATA 12th Cultural Ecotourism
Symposium, November 2009
Muguette Goufrani
do many West Africans go for an extended holiday or weekend
fun? Chances are better than average that Togo tops many of
their agendas. While we were living in West Africa, my
family and I will never forget the Togolese hospitality we
enjoyed during our visits to that friendly country. Some
say, should a popularity contest be held today, amongst all
West African countries, Togo-"Pearl of West Africa" would
come first. Lome, the capital city, with several five star
hotels and acres of sandy, sun-drenched beaches, has become
a highly popular vacation center for Europeans. For most
Americans and Canadians, it's still a well kept secret.
Visitors hardly need to leave their hotel area; the Atlantic
ocean is one block from the heart of the city.
of Togo.
central market, where we bargained for many of my favorite
keepsakes and wardrobe items, rates as one of the five best
shopping sites in Africa.
At Maison Royale, my friends and I were dazzled by an
elegant gold Mercedes- Benz, parked at the entrance,
gleaming in the mid-day sun. A symbol of wealth and success
in North America, these upscale autos are commonplace in
Lome, many being owned by "Nana Benz"&emdash; women traders,
so named because they all appear to be Mercedes Benz owners.
Most taxicabs are owned by this enterprising group. Mini
buses are another popular means of transport, and the prices
are fair. To insure the safety of its visitors, Togo has the
most police checkpoints of any democratic West African
Photos: Muguette Goufrani during her early visits to Togo,
and in West Africa at the 1999 ATA Congress.
More about Togo
du Palm et Sauce des
you enjoy the delights of dining, each Togolese district has
its own culinary specialties. One of my favorites is 'sauce
des legumes' (vegetable sauce), with crab and foutou (mashed
yams). Or how about something completely different? Try
snails cooked like a brochette, or sit down to a dinner of
smoked goat meat. Many visitors top off their meal with a
glass of 'vin du palme' (palm wine), a popular,
clear-colored drink that will knock your socks off. A big
surprise on my first visit to Togo was 'Chateau Viale,' an
astonishing, medieval style stone fortress. Perched high on
a hill, this African castle was created by a visionary
Frenchman in 1944 as a retreat for his wife. For some reason
unknown to me -- she spent three days in palatial grandeur,
then split for France. Today, Chateau Viale serves as the
Togolese President's weekend retreat.
news, more reports ...
The official Website of the Republic of Togo
Contact : info@republicoftogo.com
Site available in English & French
a change of venue, make a trip to Aneho, where you will
experience life in a typical Togolese fishing village.
You'll see fisher folk on the beach, hauling in their long
nets, accompanied by an enchanting rhythm and singing. It's
like an epic Hollywood movie scene. French is the official
language of Togo, which has a population of 5 million.
The two
largest ethnic groups are the Ewe and the Kabye. Ewe
consider the birth of twins a great blessing, while the
Bassari consider twins a misfortune.This same contrast is
seen in their eating habits; the Ewe eat cats, and consider
anyone who eats dog meat to be barbarians. The Kabye enjoy
dog meat, but refuse to eat cats.
and fetish cults:
While in Haiti (1997) as part of a media video production
team, comprised of Africa Travel Magazine, National
Geographic and Radio Lumiere, I advised my colleagues on how
Voodoo culture came to the Caribbean from Togo and other
parts of West Africa. While in Togo, we spent a full day at
Akodessewas, the world's largest fetish market, with its
array of sorcerers' potions; roots, bark, monkey skulls,
wart hog teeth, porcupine skins, leopard hides, antelope
horns, bones of crocodiles, horses, pigs and monkeys, plus
various parts of human anatomy. Such concoctions are used to
cure everything from diarrhea and the flu, to cuts,
impotence and rheumatism.
I tried
on a gris gris (necklace), which is said to work its magic
when blessed by a fetish priest. Part doctor, part psychic,
the priest relies on herbal medicines, charms and a healthy
dose of positive thinking. They believe that the spirits are
everywhere -- in the air, the trees, the water - even
buildings. A priest calls on his favorite god to predict
future events, and keep evil forces at bay. He sits on a
stool in his colorful robe, holding a regal staff, receiving
gifts of gin, which he sips as a troupe performs ritual
chanting and dancing. A sacrificial offering is made as a
show of loyalty and respect to the spirits, and to gain
special favors, such as the birth of twins.
Africa Travel Magazine's Francophone Editor covers West
African destinations and events in detail. Her native
language is French and she has lived in five West African
countries, working for Air Afrique, Royal Air Maroc and
Citroen. As a Travel Agent, she worked in North Africa,
where her family operates an inbound tour company, and later
in Tahiti and Cambodia. Muguette has been a partner in the
magazine since it was founded in 1995. E-mail
with your travel experiences in Cote d'Ivoire and other West
African destinations. We welcome your input.
with your travel experiences in West Africa.
news, more reports ...
The official Website of the Republic of Togo
Contact : info@republicoftogo.com
Site available in English & French
Credits: Legesse Travel and Tourism, New York, NY