in One Country
by Jerry W. Bird
you dance, you vibrate - and he who vibrates
Popular quotation.
Cameroon, West Africa's highest peak, stands like a
giant sentinel, gazing out over the Gulf of Guinea
on Africa's Atlantic Coast. Among it's
legendary names is "Throne of Thunder," a fitting
tribute to the powerful gods that are said to
inhabit the mountain's inner core. Our group of ATA
members and journalists approached the 'throne'
shortly after one of its frequent volcanic
eruptions, and the ribbons of cooled lava resembled
grey frosting oozing from an enormous layer cake.
The lava beds are evident from the main highway to
Kribi and a hiking trail winds up and over them.
The warning signs advised us to pay respect and to
tread gently in this eco- sensitive area. Mount
Cameroon's rugged peak is the crown jewel of a
chain of volcanic mountains that are strung like a
giant pearl necklace along the Cameroon Nigeria
border. The range stretches from here all the way
to the northern plains of Maroua, gateway to Waza
National Park.
Tourism aims to win an important share of the
tourist trade from North America and other markets.
Each February the popular ' Course of Hope.'
attracts aspiring climbers to the area and we're
told that, while the ascent is challenging, it's
not dangerous or overly strenuous. Many other
sights would amaze and impress us that day and in
the week to follow. Speaking personally, this trip
was by far the most complete tour of any ATA-
African host country I had experienced to date. At
its conclusion most travelers in our group were
tired - and somewhat bedazzled - yet I enjoyed a
feeling of solid accomplishment. As a result I will
never forget Cameroon and always hunger for
Road to economic
This progressive country is already high on the
preferred list in terms of business travel. Scan
the financial pages, or dig a little deeper in the
Internet, and you'll see what I mean - the country
is rich with potential in terms of agriculture,
forestry, marine life, minerals and natural
resources. And a word to the wise, "Where business
goes, tourism flows" - and vice versa. Europeans
discovered long ago what most North Americans have
yet to learn - that Cameroon is a Tourism Mecca in
the raw. Ministry officials such as our tour leader
Ebenezer Elimbi (below) agree with with the
popular expression that their land is Africa in One
country." In other words Cameroon is a little bit
of everything, or as my Grade 9 Spanish textbook
said in its title, "de todo un poco."
the West Central African Countryside
Our escorted bus trip
through the hills, plains, valleys and coastline of
Cameroon was quite similar to taking a small ship
cruise or a personal rail tour. Why?- it provided
whistle stops, combined with extended visits, photo
opportunities and overnight moorings.
Ports of call on this
'amazing land cruise' from Yaounde and Douala,
included Edea, Kribi, Limbe, Buea, Bafang,
Bandjoun, Bafoussam, Bamenda, Bangangte, Bafia,
Bafut, Foumban, Bafia, Maroua, Pouss, Mokolo,
Rhumsiki, Mora and Waza National Game Park. Sounds
like a heavy duty schedule - right? Well, the
surprising thing was the fact that in spite of all
the cities, towns and villages mentioned, nothing
was the same. In other words, when they say "Africa
in One country" they mean exactly that, as we
discovered in a way that you could never do by
flying . Whether the roads were smooth and broad or
rough and dusty, there was always something new and
interesting to look forward to.
Doors of Hospitality in
overnight stays on the North-South tour were at
Yaounde - Kribi - Douala - Limbe - Bamenda - Maroua
and Waza, and while the accommodation was varied I
would recommend all the hotels selected to our tour
operator friends.
Editor's Comment: The
tour, hosted by Tourism Minister Hon. Pierre
Helé and his team, was so extensive, I will
cover it in continuing installments during the
year. Our travels in Cameroon will eventually be
compiled in a book that will help future travelers
from North America enjoy this fascinating country
to the fullest. More chapters will be added in 2003
when Muguette Goufrani, Robert Eilets and I hope to
return to Cameroon.
Jerry W. Bird is President of ATA Canada Chapter,
Editor and Publisher of Africa Travel Magazine, and
Webmaster for the ATA site He
is also Publisher of Air Highways Magazine, Journal
of Open Skies and voice of aviation, tourism and
transportation worldwide. His career began with the
Edmonton Journal Daily Newspaper, and expanded into
the full spectrum of media - radio, television,
magazines and Internet. He has won international
awards for creativity in audio visual and print