West Africa offers many delights
The coastal trip from Ghana
to Benin takes about 5 to 6 hours, and that includes stops
at border crossings, a delicious lunch in Togo, and a visit
to Lome's fascinating 'fetish' market. One of the most
noticeable features of Cotonou may well be its taxi service.
Taxi-motor cycles called zemidjens ply the streets in death
defying maneuvers, carrying passengers to their
destinations. The city boasts excellent
markets, the most notable being Topka or Dan Topka, where
bargaining is the order of the day. There is a colorful
craft market and several boutiques where quality goods may
be purchased.
the writer. Eunice Rawlings
Marina Hotel
West Africa
By the
Eunice Rawlings
If you're looking for an
unusual, affordable vacation, be sure to put Benin on your
"Agenda Africa" for the coming year. Benin is an enchanting
West African nation roughly the size of Pennsylvania, yet it
is a complete destination with enough variety to fill a
two-week vacation. From the drier northern elevations, to
the lower lying south, this hospitable country is a safe and
a friendly place to explore. After gaining independence from
France in 1960 Benin went through some difficult times.
Today Benin is a multi-party democracy made up of six
provinces. The president, who is the head of the government
and chief of state, is elected for a five year term. In
1999, voters went to the polls and elected members of
parliament, reinforcing the stable political
is now a model African democracy. Benin can be reached by
road or air. Cotonou, the country's most populous city and
physical capital, has a good airport, staffed by friendly
officials. Entering by road can be a real treat and often
takes less time than by air.
is must for every visitor to Benin. A former center and
trading post of the slave trade, Ouidah presents a
thoughtful and thorough look at this turbulent period,
through documentation and physical reminders such as the
"Road of Slaves." Dagbo Hounan, the chief Superior of the
Voodoo cult in Benin will welcome you to his compound and
later you may be the guest of King Kakanakou and his court,
enjoying a libation and entertainment.
Abomey, formerly one of West Africa's most powerful
kingdoms, is equally interesting, with explorations of the
Museum of Antiquities and the hall of Reliefs. Arms Events
and Amazons: King-Agoli Agbo, the last King of Abomey, a man
with great style as well as a sense of humor, will greet you
in his kingdom together with his wives and female warriors.
In former times, the leaders preferred female warriors
(Amazons) as they fought fiercely and were less likely to
resort to treachery than their male counterparts. Porto
Novo, Benin's nominal capital is not far from the Nigerian
border. Dating back to the 16th century, the city has a
strong Portuguese atmosphere. The Ethnographic Museum
deserves a look, as does the Palace of King Toffa, where you
may be treated to a performance of strange, traditional
magic by the Zangbeto dancers. The market sells musical
instruments, tie-dye cloth, pottery and baskets as well as
the usual everyday fare. Try to see it! Ganvie is the jewel
in Benin's crown.
Only 30 minutes by road from Cotonou, Ganvie is the 'Venice
of West Africa' where 20,000 people dwell in about 3,000
fragile homes, perched on stilts in the middle of Lake
Nokoue. The Tofinu fled from the Fon and Dahomey Kingdoms
and settled here in the 18th century. Today, they make their
living exclusively from fishing. For the adventurous, a
couple of funky hotels are available for overnight stays.
Benin 's Northern Territory offers delights of its own,
including game viewing, which will be covered in a future
edition of Africa Travel Magazine. Southern Benin will
embrace you with the warmth of its people, delicious foods,
uplifting entertainment, a fascinating history and a wealth
of life-long memories. For further information contact
Agence Africaine de Tourisme, BP 2508, Cotonou Benin. Phone:
229 31 54 14, Fax 229 31 54 99. Represented in North America
by Africa Tourism & Trade Bureau, Phone: 818 597 9017,
Fax 818 879 9767, E-mail:
In her memory