Abdela Design, Zanzibar Farouque creates
couture and avant garde fashions. His exquisite
fashion sensibility has been seen in films and
theaters as well as on international catwalks.
Masai and Egyptian traditions strongly influence
Farouque's work. Encouraged by the late Princess
Diana to maintain the African influence in his
work, Farouque hopes to help African fashion gain
recognition as a vital influence in global style.
To this end, Farouque has held individual fashion
shows in varied locales including: the 1999
Zanzibar International Film Festival and the Save
the Children Benefit in London. http://www.farouque.8k.com/*1factfile.html
... for traveling, attending gala events, meetings,
or looking good for any occasion, has been a number
one topic in Africa Travel Magazine and its
powerful website. We use Webtrends to
monitor our site, plus the power of Google and
Yahoo to see how we stack up against other media.
You will be surprised. Below is a link to my first
article on the subject of hats. I have a passion
for hats, as you will learn Left:
Zanzibari lady models one of the
attractive gowns from Zanzibar designers
(story and profile to come). Photos by
Jerry W. Bird and Muguette
Goufrani |