J French
Champollion 1790 -1832 was a French classical
scholar, philologist and
deciphered the Egyptian hieroglyphs with the help
of groundwork laid by his predecessors: Athanasius
Kircher, Silvestre de Sacy, Johan David Akerblad,
Thomas Young, and William John Bankes. Champollion
translated parts of the Rosetta Stone in 1822,
showing that the written Egyptian language was
similar to Coptic, and that the writing system was
a combination of phonetic and ideographic
Champollion was
born at Figeac, Lot, in France, the last of seven
children (two of whom had already died before he
was born). He was raised in humble circumstances;
his parents could not afford school for him, and he
was eight years old before his older brother
Jacques, who was living in Grenoble, began to teach
him.[1] This brother, although studious and
largely self-educated, did not have
Jean-François' genius for language; however,
he was talented at earning a living, and supported
Jean-François for most of his life.
He lived with his
brother in Grenoble for several years, and even as
a child showed an extraordinary linguistic talent.
By the age of 16 he had mastered a dozen languages
and had read a paper before the Grenoble Academy
concerning the Coptic language. By 20 he could also
speak Latin, Greek, Hebrew, Amharic, Sanskrit,
Avestan, Pahlavi, Arabic, Syriac, Chaldean,
Persian, Ethiopic, and Chinese in addition to his
native French.[2] In 1809, he became
assistant-professor of History at Grenoble. His
interest in oriental languages, especially Coptic,
led to his being entrusted with the task of
deciphering the writing on the then
recently-discovered Rosetta Stone, and he spent the
years 1822&endash;1824 on this task. His 1824 work
Précis du système
hiéroglyphique gave birth to the entire
field of modern Egyptology. He also identified the
importance of the Turin King List, and dated the
Dendera zodiac to the Roman period. His interest in
Egyptology was originally inspired by Napoleon's
Egyptian Campaigns 1798&endash;1801. Champollion
was subsequently made Professor of Egyptology at
the Collège de France.[3]
Thomas Young was
one of the first to attempt decipherment of the
Egyptian hieroglyphs, basing his own work on the
investigations of Swedish diplomat Åkerblad,
who built up a demotic alphabet of 29 letters (15
turned out to be correct) and translated all
personal names and other words in the Demotic part
of the Rosetta Stone in 1802. Åkerblad
however, wrongly believed that demotic was entirely
phonetic or alphabetic. Young thought the same, and
by 1814 he had completely translated the enchorial
(which Champollion labelled Demotic as it called
today) text of the Rosetta Stone (he had a list
with 86 demotic words). Young then studied the
hieroglyphic alphabet and made some progress but
failed to recognise that demotic and hieroglyphic
texts were paraphrases and not simple translations.
In 1823 he published an Account of the Recent
Discoveries in Hieroglyphic Literature and Egyptian
Antiquities. Some of Young's conclusions appeared
in the famous article Egypt he wrote for the 1818
edition of the Encyclopædia
When Champollion,
in 1822, published his translation of the
hieroglyphs and the key to the grammatical system,
Young and all others praised this work. Young had
indicated in a letter to Gurney that he wished to
see Champollion acknowledge that he had made use of
Young's earlier work in assisting his eventual
deciphering of hieroglyphics. Champollion was
unwilling to share the credit even though initially
he had not recognized that hieroglyphics were
phonetic. Young corrected him on this, and
Champollion attempted to have an early article
withdrawn once he realized his mistake. Strongly
motivated by the political tensions of that time,
the British supported Young and the French
Champollion. Champollion completely translated the
hieroglyphic grammar based in part upon the earlier
work of others including Young. However,
Champollion maintained that he alone had deciphered
the hieroglyphs. After 1826, he did offer Young
access to demotic manuscripts in the Louvre, when
he was a curator.
Grave of Champollion
In 1827 Ippolito
Rosellini, considered the founder of Egyptology in
Italy, went to Paris for a year in order to improve
his knowledge of the method of decipherment
proposed by Champollion. The two philologists
decided to organize an expedition to Egypt to
confirm the validity of the discovery. Headed by
Champollion and assisted by Rosellini his first
disciple and great friend, the mission was known as
the Franco-Tuscan Expedition, and was made possible
by the support of the grand-duke of Tuscany,
Leopold II, and the King of France, Charles
On the 21st of July
1828, with four members, they boarded the ship
Eglé at Toulon and set sail for Egypt. They
travelled upstream along the Nile and studied an
exhaustive number of monuments and inscriptions.
The expedition led to a posthumously-published
extensive Monuments de l'Egypte et de la Nubie
(1845). Unfortunately, Champollion's expedition was
blemished by instances of unchecked looting. Most
notably, while studying the Valley of the Kings, he
irreparably damaged KV17, the tomb of Seti I, by
physically removing two large wall sections with
mirror-image scenes. The scenes are now in the
collections of the Louvre and the museum of
Exhausted by his
labours during and after his scientific expedition
to Egypt, Champollion died of an apoplectic attack
in Paris in 1832 at the age of 41. He is buried in
the Père Lachaise cemetery.
Certain portions of
Champollion's works were edited by his elder
brother, Jacques Joseph Champollion-Figeac; Jacques
Joseph's son, Aimé-Louis (1812&endash;1894),
wrote a biography of the two brothers.
In popular
Champollion was
portrayed by Elliot Cowan in the 2005 BBC docudrama
Egypt. Champollion was also prominently featured in
an episode of Carl Sagan's television series
Cosmos: A Personal Voyage. The History Channel's
"Secrets of the Rosetta Stone" also featured
Champollion's efforts
Le Normant,
ed (1819). Annales des Lagides, ou chronologie des
rois grecs d'Égypte successeurs d'Alexandre
le Grand. ;
à M. Dacier relative à l'alphabet des
hiéroglyphes phonétiques.
1822. ;
Panthéon égyptien, collection des
personnages mythologiques de l'ancienne
Égypte, d'après les monuments
(explanatory text to illustrations by
Léon-Jean-Joseph Dubois ). 1823.
Précis du système
hiéroglyphique des anciens Égyptiens.
1824. ;
à M. le Duc de Blacas d'Aulps.
1826. ;
descriptive des monuments égyptiens du
musée Charles X. 1827. ;
Précis du système
hiéroglyphique des anciens Égyptiens
ou Recherches sur les éléments
premiers de cette écriture sacrée,
sur leurs diverses combinaisons, et sur les
rapports de ce système avec les autres
méthodes graphiques égyptiennes.
1828. ;
écrites d'Égypte et de Nubie.
1828-1829. ;
égyptienne. 1836,
posthumously. ;
égyptien en écriture
hiéroglyphique. 1841,
posthumously. ;
Others -
Principes généraux de
l'écriture sacrée, new edition with a
preface by Christiane Ziegler, Institut d'Orient,
A museum
devoted to Jean-François Champollion was
created in his birthplace at Figeac in Lot. It was
inaugurated 19 December 1986 in the presence of
President François Mitterrand and Jean
Leclant, secrétaire perpétuel of the
Académie des inscriptions et belles-lettres.
After two years of building work and extension, the
museum re-opened in 2007. Besides Champollion's
life and discoveries, the museum also recounts the
history of writing. The whole façade is
covered in pictograms, from the original ideograms
of the whole world.
The "*Maison
Champollion" at Vif in Isère, formerly the
property of Jean-François's
1. ^ a b Meyerson,
Daniel (2004). The Linguist and the Emperor. Random
House. pp. 31. ISBN 0-345-44872-3.
2. ^ Singh, Simon
(2000). The Code Book: The Science of Secrecy from
Ancient Egypt to Quantum Cryptography. Anchor. ISBN
3. ^
"Jean-François Champollion" in the 1913
Catholic Encyclopedia..
Allen, Don
Cameron (1960). "The Predecessors of Champollion".
Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society
104 (5): 527&endash;547.
Lesley; Adkins, Roy (2000). The Keys of Egypt: The
Obsession to Decipher Egyptian Hieroglyphs.
HarperCollins Publishers. ISBN
Daniel (2005). The Linguist and the Emperor:
Napoleon and Champollion's Quest to Decipher the
Rosetta Stone. Random House Trade. ISBN