Photos by Muguette
Goufrani, Africa Travel Magazine H.E, Tadelech Dalacho, Ethiopia's
Minister of Statte for Tourism and colleagues Opening activities at Houson I Fesrt
2008 Ethiopia Tour Operators exhibit at
Houston I Fest Houston I Fest featured an Ethiopia
Fashion Show on Out of Africa stage. Annabelle Reyes at Ethiopian Airlines
booth at Houston I Fest Muguette at entrance of opening lunceon,
Doubletree Hotel, Houston Opwning activities at Houson I Fesrt
2008 Mrs. Kebede of Houston with young visitor
from Kenya. Ms. Kidan Ghioghis with group from
Ethiopia Editor and publisher Jerry W. Bird at
Africa Travel Magazine booth. Visiting family from Kenya Kidan Ghiorghis, President of Ethiopiaj
Tour Operators Assn. City of Addis Ababa Tourism
booth Performances at a variety of events by
Ethiopia National Dance Group Entrance to I Fest Popular art and artifacts
from Ethiopia America's famous Buffalo
Soldiers Editor with City
Commissioner for Addis Ababa Replica of Ethiopia's famous churches
including Lalibela
Replica of Ethiopia's famous churches
including Lalibela