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See a two page spread on Tanzanite - appearing in our Tanzania and oue Eastern Africa World Editions. Learn about the new Mine Center Tourist Attraction near Arusha

Adrift Uganda's Adventure Tourism Newsletter: Adventure lovers will appreciate this news from our friend Cam McLeay in Kampala. More

Weekly News Pages from Uganda, Eastern Africa and the Indian Ocean Area. by Prof. Wolfgang Thome.More

The Tanzanite Experience showcases the history of tanzanite through a series of visual and interactive exhibitions whilst affording visitors the unique opportunity to purchase tanzanite directly from the world's only known source. Discover tanzanite, its history, mystery and rarity as you visit The Legend Room. Indulge in tanzanite's rich and colourful stories from the mining, to the processing and sorting of tanzanite, as well as the cutting and polishing, all the way down to the finished, sparkling gemstone in your hand. Full story will appear in our Easteern Africa World Edition.

You ar Cyber Seminar: Can Africa Trade Her Way Out of Poverty?As we are approaching the 50th anniversary of the serious drive to African independence, the question of how the continent can use trade to combat poverty and achieve development should be addressed.The Cyber Seminar seeks to offer an alternative forum for debate, where an international audience will have the opportunity to discuss relevant issues facing Africa with civil society activists, policy makers and researches. The Cyber Seminar is moderated by the Norwegian Council for Africa and is open to everyone who wishes to participate. The past fifty years have been a struggle for industrialisation in Africa. Despite attempts at building manufacturing capacity and diversifying production, the continent's role at large in the global trading system is still one of exporting raw materials - with manufacturing and value addition taking place elsewhere in the world. Today's global trading regime can potentially deepen this situation, as the current climate of economic liberalisation and demands for tariff reduction can result in de-industrialisation. As a majority of African countries have low levels of industrialisation, a reduction of tariffs will result in local manufacturing/industry being incapable of competing with foreign imports. This could be the last nail in the coffin for industrialisation in Africa.

In the present WTO negotiations, Norway advocates for tariff reductions and free trade in the field of industrial products on the one hand, and protectionism and high tariffs in the field of agriculture on the other. This, despite the fact that Norway historically protected and nurtured its own infant industries for decades. How does this position fit with African positions? What does a global trading regime that places the interests of African development and poverty alleviation above that of western export interests look like? What changes should be made to the present WTO negotiations for the system to contribute to the continent's development?

Panellists: Oguor Ongwen - Country Director of Southern and Eastern Africa Trade Initiative and Negotiations Institute (SEATINI), Kenya. Other panelists to be confirmed shortly.. Place: World Wide Web

David T. Parry, American Tourism Society (ATS) Chairman, and Chairman, Academic Travel Abroad, presiding over the 2009 Annual Meeting, announced the results of the biennial elections to the ATS Board of Directors. The Annual ATS Meeting took place at the Grand Hotel Heiligendamm in Mecklenburg Vorpommern, Germany immediately preceding the opening of the ATS Fall Conference.
Leading ATS for second terms are Chairman, David Parry, and President, Phil Otterson, VP External Affairs, Tauck World Discovery. Other ATS Board Members elected to the Executive Committee are Jan Rudomina, Polish National Tourist Office; ATS VP & Finance; David  Spinelli,, ATS VP & Secretary; Nico Zenner,  Travelbound by Travelport,  new ATS Director; and Don Reynolds, Executive Vice President   Parry, in his opening remarks at the ATS Annual Meeting, noted that "in the 40 years that I have been in the US travel industry, this past year has definitely been the most challenging one.  Despite the problems that we all are facing, ATS membership has remained stable and actively engaged in promotional activities. As an organization we have made great strides in the implementation of our Strategic Marketing Plan as outlined several years ago, thanks to the hard work of the  Marketing Committee led by  Dave Spinneli. "

The other members of the new ATS Board include: Malia Asfour, The Jordan Tourism Board N.A.; Fred Berardo, Central Holidays; Pamela Hoffee, The Globus Family of Brands; Gordon Stearns, Tour Designs; Donna Flora,  American Express Company; Mirko Ilich, Traveling Times; Helena Novak, General Tours World Traveler; and Robert Whitley United States Tour Operators Association. The ATS Board also expressed thanks and appreciation to departing members of the Board including H.E. Akel Biltaji, Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan; Knut Haenschke , E H Marketing and Michael Stolowitzky, American Express Vacations.

About ATS &endash; Presenting Tomorrow's Destinations The American Tourism Society (ATS) was established in 1989 by a group of US tourism industry executives to provide exclusive access, business networking and promotion for transformational destinations.  It is a nonprofit, nonpolitical travel industry organization whose membership includes experienced tour operators, destination tourist offices, hotels, airlines and other travel industry professionals. Collectively,  ATS members generate over four billion dollars in sales involving three million North American travelers. ATS holds an Annual Fall Conference and a Tourism College hosted by a different member destination each year; conducts travel marts and seminars in the US for its members; has a website For more information on The American Tourism Society: 149 Madison Avenue, Suite 602, New York, NY 10016; USA -Phone 212.893.8111, Fax 212.893.8153; email:  Editorial Contact:, Karen Hoffman, The Bradford Group 212) 447-0027;

California Science Center Debuts "America I AM: The African American Imprint"

The California Science Center is home to the West Coast debut of "America I AM: The African American Imprint," a touring exhibition presented by broadcaster Tavis Smiley that celebrates 500 years of African American history. Running through April 15, 2010, the 12-gallery presentation highlights pivotal moments that showcase the imprint of African Americans on the nation and the world. More than 200 rare historic objects, documents, photos and multimedia explore how African American artists, activists and inventors have shaped American culture. An interactive area allows visitors to leave their own video "imprints." One of the broadest exhibitions ever mounted on this subject, the exhibit showcases important events and people from the beginning of the nation through the present-day inauguration of the first African American president. This is the third stop on the 10-city, 4-year tour.