South Africa Story
Jerry W. Bird
once in a lifetime opportunity came our
way during New Years Week, 2004, when we
journeyed on Rovos
Rail ,
the Pride of Africa, from Cape Town to the
company's Capital Station complex at
Pretoria. It was such a superb experience
that we are providing our descriptive
travelog of the two-day rail tour to the
world's print and broadcast media on
request. Travel World News of New York has
already run the story nationwide in the
USA and an expanded feature will appear in
Africa Magazine's Grand Tour of South
Africa issue. Here are some opening
comments from the Rovos Rail article:
a way to celebrate the New Year! As we
joined the other passengers assembled on
the red-carpeted platform, a traditional
toast of South African champagne and
orange juice set the mood, while a trio of
violinists provided soft, soothing
classical music -- a fitting background
for such a memorable send off.
At the microphone Mr. Vos gave a hearty
and humorous "bon voyage," announcing each
guest's name in turn as they boarded the
Many nations were represented that morning
- the UK, Norway, Italy, Australia, USA,
Switzerland, Spain, Germany, France, South
Africa and Canada. These vintage coaches
have carried royalty on past tours, and we
soon discovered there was a European
countess among us, which reflects the
company's claim "the most luxurious train
in the world. A mild thunderstorm was
brewing above Table Mountain, and as rain
began to beat on the windows, the train
pulled away from Cape Town station. Have
no fear, I had a feeling that the trip
would be even more enjoyable, looking out
from our cozy cocoon on wheels. My
intuition proved to be quite

the Women of South Africa Tour
SA Web Site: The Cultural Explorer, a
US-based tour operator specialising in
cultural and philanthropic travel in South
Africa, has announced an exclusive tour
"designed to introduce adventurous North
American mothers and daughters to the
resilient women and children of South
Africa." The trip, billed as a
"celebration of women", offers an ideal
opportunity for mothers and daughters "to
spend quality time together while
improving the lives of others, seeing
spectacular sights, even going out on
safari." More->
are meeting REAL PEOPLE and their
special featuring ATA's California's Pat
Walker. More->
Dunn Family Story
in Cape Town, we got together with our
good friend
Daniel Dunn of Cape
representing the Africa Travel
Association's Western Cape Chapter. As I
learned in detail during chats with him in
the week following our South Africa hosted
congress in 2001, Dan is of both Scottish
and Zulu ancestry. Shortly after we
returned to Canada, Dan sent us a copy of
the Dunn's fascinating family history,
which I am proud to make available to our
readers (see
During our week of travels and exploration
with Dan in the Cape area, the coast, wine
country and the
reserve in the
we learned enough to fill a book or
of Africa's most congenial tour
professionals, Dan Dunn's continuous
commentary on assorted topics as we
traveled, was like a course in South
African culture, laced with historical
anecdotes. We will never forget the true
wartime story of South Africa's famous
mascot ... a hound dog who was so loved by
sailors at the local naval base, he earned
the name and rank of "Able Seaman Just
Nuisance" which is on his statue
overlooking the beach. It was a superb
reunion, as I welcome every opportunity to
enjoy Dan's positive, upbeat company. "
Networking is our industry's life blood,
and the opportunity to expand our contacts
in the Gauteng area presented itself on
our return via Johannesburg.
In 1974
Daniel (Dan) Dunn son of Gladstone Dunn,
was elected as Chairman of the John Dunn's
Descendants Association. He has proven to
be one of the most dynamic and effective
leaders that the Dunn clan has ever
produced. Daniel Dunn set out to achieve
three goals for his people. The Dunns have
succeeded in a large measure because they
identify strongly with their remarkable
ancestor &endash; whose qualities of
individualism and single-minded
determination have inspired a sense of
pride and perseverance in his descendants.
The spirit of unity displayed by the Dunn
community is a testimony to the towering
personality of one of South Africa's
legendary figures.
Talks: Lest I forget, with the current
exchange rate, we found South Africa a
shoppers delight, and that also relates to
what you save on accommodation. Thanks to
this favorable rate, we were able to
extend our stay without hurting the travel
budget, and to purchase some attractive
items in the bargain.
Tour and visit to Gold Drift Theme
the 2003 ATA Congress, the North American
and African chapters decided that they
would "twin" for the next year. As a
result, our Canadian Chapter in Vancouver
was twinned with Gauteng Chapter, South
Africa. Territorially, Gauteng includes
the city of Johannesburg and metropolitan
area. With this objective in mind we
changed our airline reservations for the
return flight, and stayed for most of a
week in South Africa's major metropolis
where we were shown the sights of
Johannesburg and area by two highly
motivated entrepreneurs, namely Minah
Makhoto (above left), who operates Basiea,
an attractive bed and breakfast and diner,
and her friend Queen Mokgopo (right), who
operates a tour company, which provides
among other attractions, escorted
of Soweto.
We enjoyed several auto trips to Soweto
and were impressed with what we saw in
terms of new development, infrastructure,
facilities and especially "community
spirit" which is truly
Basiea Bed & Breakfast and Diner.
Tour and Safari . Phone/ fax 27 11 866
1830,. cel. 27 11 828 70746, e-mail
Township Tourism succeeds.
Town Tour Guide Dan Dunn helped make our
stay in Cape Town one of the most
memorable ever. Dan introduced us to Thope
Lekau (right) and started off a beautiful
friendship. We enjoyed an overnight stay
at Kopanong, a charming bed and breakfast
which has been featured in a number of
hospitality trade magazines in South
Africa. Now we know the reason why.
Contact Thope at Kopanong B and B, e-mail: . Contact Dan Dunn
at dddun) Follow Africa Travel Magazine's
journeys in and around Cape Town, South
the Cape Doctor:
positive things have been happening in
South Africa that have made our job as the
"Worldwide Voice of ATA" even more
enjoyable. The most exciting news is the
emergence of these thriving ATA Chapters.
The photo on the right is of ATA member
Rube Khan who we met in Morocco last
December. Ruby operates
Doctor Health and
based in Cape Town.,
within a
Emperor is a holiday all by itself.
at the Johannesburg airport full of jet
lag after a long trip from the Pacific
Coast of North America (no small feat)
when our taxi arrived at the front door of
Caesar's Emperor Hotel and Casino , all of
the good things I had heard for months
from my colleagues in New York and
elsewhere came true. I will comment in
more detail in our next printed edition,
and will include some photos of our
African Airways'
route to Johannesburg from JFK
International Airport in New York via
Dakar, Senegal, is another winning move
that is of prime importance to our ATA
member travel agents. Most of them are
active in all parts of the African
Continent and welcome this connection,
which opens up many new options for them
and their clients.
Thanks to excellent roads, the most
friendly, well informed drivers one could
ask for, and sturdy, comfortable vehicles,
we managed to visit most of the highlights
in the Cape area in a few days. We keep in
touch on a regular basis, since all three
have web sites and newsletters. For
Cape Gourmet
It never ceases to amaze me how much of a
gourmet haven South Africa really is. The
Cape Gourmet Festival is a shining
example. If you ever wanted to combine a
tour of the country, with an exciting
special event in Cape Town, this is it.
Check out our special page.
Park in South
Our destination for day two of the Cape
Country Tour was "Kagga Kamma," a private
game reserve. Not expecting anything too
far beyond the ordinary, after a rugged 3
hour motor trip from Cape Town, our group
of five was little prepared for the
amazing 'moonscape' of this spectacular
hideout in the rugged Cedarburg Mountains.
It was a site (and sight) that could
easily be the movie set for "Jurassic
Park" or "Planet of the Apes." As
approached, many of the odd rock shapes
near the camp cast weird shadows.
at High Noon.
Did you know that there were penguins in
South Africa? Now you do! I saw my first
South African penguin while visiting
Robben Island prison in Cape Town's scenic
and historic harbor. This little fellow
came around the corner from his hiding
place behind a clump of bush and we met
face to face. It reminded me of a scene
from the movie "High Noon" as two
strangers eyeballed each other on the main
street. Later that week I would encounter
dozens more of his gang frolicking on the
beach. Visitors to the area will discover
an entire colony of Jackass penguins
lounging and fraternizing (with each
other, not the tourists) at a local
community called Boulders, not far from
Cape Town. Photo by Muguette
Broadus, of ATA Mid Atlantic Chapter in
the Washington, DC area, invites our
readers to discover the immense diversity
of South Africa, which she describes as a
land full of rich cultural heritage,
friendly people, spectacular wildlife and
stunning landscapes. South Africa is truly
famous for its mixture of cultures,
heritage and traditions that are blended
together through its festivals, music and
foods. You will also find that there is
much more than a traditional safari
experience to see the "Big Five" in South
Africa. Continued
around South
During our weeks in the Cape area, we were
very impressed with the highway systems,
since we seemed to be touring
continuously. For those who want to get an
idea of the immense size of this country,
there is a South
Africa Map
our site. The nine provinces of South
Africa are: Gauteng (Capital -
Johannesburg, Kwazulu-Natal (Capital
-Pietermaritzburg), Northern Province (
Capital - Pietersburg), North West
(Capital Mmbatho, Mpumalanga (Capital
Nelspruit) , Free State (Capital
Bloemfontein), Northern Cape (Capital -
Kimberley), Western Cape (Capital - Cape
Town), Eastern Cape (Capital -
Train! White Glove
Associate Editor Muguette Goufrani
comments on this famous South African
Railway. "For years I had read that South
Africa held many pleasures for those of an
adventurous spirit or romantic nature. So
one summer, taking a month's vacation from
my job as a travel agent in Ivory Coast,
West Africa, I headed south. Here at last
was my chance to spend some leisurely,
laid back weeks getting to know that
fascinating country surrounding the Cape.
While the sights and delights were many
and varied, the epitome was my experience
aboard the famous Blue Train. It was like
the finest luxury cruise, sailing across a
sea of ever-changing landscapes . Yet
there was time and space to savor every
waking moment.(photos to come) I managed
to read some pamphlets about the line's
history, which spans o
Important Links for
Information on Booking Travel to South
African National Department of
Environmental Affairs and Tourism -
African Tourism -
African National Parks -
Marketing Council -
Sipho Rihlamvu
Tourism International Liaison
Tel: 27
(12) 310 3940, Fax: 27 (12) 322 5754
Mobile: 073 902 4504
Africa Story- Continued
