Cycle fever spreads goodwill at Table Bay,
Capetown The team,
comprising four Sun International staffers and five
members of the BMW Cycling Club in Munich, managed
to raise R25 000 more than last year. Two qualified
nursing sisters and a physiotherapist took care of
unwanted strains, aches and pains along the route
which required the cyclists to cover on average 150
km per day. Photo: Grant
Ruddiman, General Manager, Table Bay at the
Waterfront The team, with the
exception of one member, cycle only for
recreational and fitness purposes which makes this
a tremendous triumph, especially as all
participants went on to participate in the annual
Pick În Pay Cape Argus Cycle Tour just two
days after arriving in Cape Town. The Table Bay
at the Waterfront, Quay 6 V&A
Waterfront For further
information, please contact Sarah Prins Tel: (021)
406-5009, Fax: (021) 406-5787 or Email:
mailto:sprins@sunint.co.za |
Big Four