Venue International
Professionals Inc. (VIP)
of Helen C. Broadus
Helen C. Broadus is the Co-Founder and President of
Venue International Professionals, Inc., which is a
full-service international travel and
tourism-consulting company, based in the Washington
Metropolitan Area and brings to VIP an extensive
background in international travel and tourism
consulting services. She is also the Chairperson of
the ATA's Education and Training Committee and a
Sales Associate with the Marriott International
Corporation, specializing in hotel and hospitality
services. She has been elected to a second term as
the International Secretary of the ATA and prior to
this appointment served as the President of the
ATA's Mid-Atlantic Chapter from
of David J. Saunders
David J. Saunders, is the Co-Founder and Chief
Executive Officer (CEO) of Venue International
Professionals, Inc. and brings to VIP an extensive
background in business development and marketing
expertise within the international trade and
investment arena as a consultant and technical
advisor. He was elected as an Associate Member of
the ATA's International Board of Directors and is
the Chairperson of the Membership Committee. He
also is a member of Constitution Advisory
Committee, Strategic Planning Committee and
Education and Training Committee.
was credited with creating both the ATA Chapter
Presidents' Forum and the New Members Orientation
Forum. He has been a member of the ATA organization
for five years and prior to his election to the ATA
Board of Directors he was the President of the
ATA's Mid-Atlantic Chapter from 1997-2000. He has
organized, coordinated and hosted many trade and
tourism shows, marketing and sales blitz campaigns,
and press conferences as well as conducted various
tours for groups to the Continent of Africa.
For more
information about Venue International
Professionals, Inc. (VIP)
(301) 856-9188 [VOICE] or (301) 868-2218
information to appear on this page soon.