
Agent Education
by Helen Broadus

Selling Africa Tips
Positive Influence
Tourism Careers

Broadus Biography
Sierra Leone
South Africa









Ms. Helen C. Broadus is the President of Venue International Professionals, Inc. (VIP, a full service travel and tourism consulting firm that specializes on the Continent of Africa and has visited twenty-five African countries (at least once) over the past fifteen years. She is also a featured writer of newsworthy articles for many trade publications (to include the Africa Travellers Journal, Africa Travel Magazine and Black Meetings & Tourism Magazine) as well as a featured panelist of radio, cable television and other mediums on various topics of the travel and tourism opportunities in Africa.

She is currently a Member of the International Board of Directors of the Africa Travel Association (ATA) and has served with great distinction as the Executive Secretary for the past seven years. She is also the Chairperson of the Education and Training Committee as well as willingly serves on several other ATA Standing Committees. Over the past fifteen years within the ATA organization, she has substantially contributed to the professional growth and development of the ATA organization at all levels and is definitely a model of commitment and service to the promotion of travel and tourism opportunities to the Continent of Africa.

The following is an overview of her many accomplishments and achievements both within the ATA organization and with many other similar Africa-focused organizations and associations:

• Chapter President of Mid-Atlantic Region of Africa Travel Association from 1992-1997. During her tenure, she significantly increased the visibility of the ATA organization by establishing ongoing networking relationships with numerous travel and tourism industry professionals, non-governmental organizations, chambers of commerce, governmental agencies, and members of the African Diplomatic Corps.

• During her tenure as the Mid-Atlantic Chapter President, she received the ATA's Founder's Award in 1997. In 1999, she received the prestigious Hotel Intercontinental Group Award for the promotion of travel and tourism opportunities to West Africa.

• In addition, in 1995, she also received a Citation Certificate from the Mayor of the District of Columbia, the Honorable Marion S. Barry, for her outstanding contributions to the promotion of travel and tourism opportunities between the citizenry of the District of Columbia and many African nations. Several examples of activities that merited such recognition included, hosting ATA's "Best of Africa" event, sponsoring ATA promotional activities during Congressional Black Caucus Legislative Week, and sponsoring travel and tourism forums with the District of Columbia's Chamber of Commerce, DC Public Schools System, Africare, Constituency for Africa and Corporate Council on Africa.

• Elected Executive Secretary to the International Board of Directors from 1997 to the present. As such, she is directly responsible for revising format procedures for recordation and publishing of ATA official minutes of proceedings to include: International Board of Directors' Meetings, Convocation of African Ministers Meetings, Executive Committee Meetings, General Membership Meetings, and Special Ad Hoc Meetings. The ATA Executive Director, ATA President and ATA Board Members as well as African Ministers of Tourism have cited her on numerous occasions for the outstanding professional performance of her duties and responsibilities.

• Collaborated with the Nigerian ATA Delegation to create the ATA African Fashion Walk during the Africa Travel Association's Tanzanian Congress &endash; which ultimately led to the highly popular ATA African Fashion Show programs frequently held during each ATA International Congress as well as the ATA Fashion Section listed on the ATA Website.

• Conducted First Annual Pilgrimage to Benin as well as Inaugural Familiarization (FAM) Tours of Uganda, Nigeria, Botswana, Sierra Leone, Swaziland, the Seychelles and Lesotho on behalf of the ATA organization.

• Selected as an At-Large Delegate to the National Summit on Africa in 2000 as a representative of the ATA organization and was instrumental in designing language within a final report that addressed the significance of the travel and tourism industry with regard to overall cultural awareness and economic stimulus for African nations.

• Regularly participates in the New Members' Orientation Forum Initiative, whereby new members to the ATA organization are provided with news and information during the ATA Congress. Offers advice on successful strategies for becoming a travel professional and works very closely with new African ATA Members to improve upon their marketability skills for collaborating opportunities with American ATA Members.

• Chairperson of ATA Education and Training Committee as well as member of the Committee for the Annual Congress and the Membership Committee.

• As Chairperson of Education and Training Committee, facilitated the introduction of African destination and certification training for ATA Delegates attending annual Congresses and Symposiums.

• Frequent contributing writer of more than thirty-five (35) newsworthy articles published by the Africa Travellers Journal, Africa Travel Magazine, Africa Travel Association's Website and Black Meetings and Tourism Magazine.


In addition to the above ATA-related activities, she has further expanded the ATA organization's influence and recognition through her active involvement with the Constituency for Africa (CFA), in which she has been able to effectively contribute to the lobbying efforts directed at federal government agencies and congressional representatives about the value of the travel and tourism industry of Africa in relationship to the Africa Growth and Opportunity Act (AGOA).

She is also actively involved with the following two Africa-related associations: Member of the American and African Business Women's Alliance (AABWA), which is an international organization devoted to the empowerment of entrepreneurship between American and African women business owners and Special Advisor to Students In Free Enterprise-Africa, which is a non-profit organization that is devoted to creating entrepreneurial training and related business opportunities for students in colleges and universities across Africa. For more information about Venue International Professionals, Inc., please visit their website at www.venuetravel.com.

Africa Travel Magazine animated logo links to Interactive Map of African Tourism Destinations

"ATA stands alone as the only world travel industry association with African Tourism Ministers as President, Vice Presidents and Directors. These solid credentials give Africa Travel Magazine an edge in circulation via 23 African Tourism Ministries and National Tourist Boards that have hosted ATA events since 1976."


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