August 28, 2013
The Pacific Asia Travel Association (PATA) has
accepted the New Zealand Māori Tourism‘s exceptional
bid to host the second Pacific Asia Indigenous
Tourism Conference (PAITC) and PATA Board Meetings
in Rotorua, New Zealand from April 4-9, 2014.
The objective of the PAITC is to promote awareness,
enhance and protect the increasingly important
tourism role of Asia Pacific’s Indigenous peoples
such as hill tribes, forest dwellers, sea faring
groups and Aboriginal people.
“PATA is pleased to partner with New Zealand Māori
Tourism to host this significant Indigenous event,
driven by Indigenous peoples, for the sustainable
development of Indigenous tourism,” said Martin
Craigs, PATA Chief Executive Officer. “We expect to
draw participation from Indigenous leaders,
government agencies, associations, operators, NGOs,
universities, research bodies and media from around
the globe, to discuss and share issues, challenges
and solutions on how to best preserve Indigenous
heritage and culture as part of the complete visitor
The PAITC is an opportunity to showcase the success
of Māori tourism driving Māori economic growth,
while holding a dialogue and sharing best practices
from Indigenous groups around the world.
“We pride ourselves on being able offer a truly
unique experience to visitors through our people,
our stories and our landscapes, we look forward to
welcoming delegates to the land of engaging faces
and intriguing places, Aotearoa New Zealand,” said
Pania Tyson-Nathan CEO of New Zealand Māori Tourism.
In addition to the PATA Executive Board and Board
Meetings, the conference programme will incorporate
activities that ensure the critical role of
Indigenous tourism and the need to protect and
enhance the authentic visitor experience are better
understood and communicated to the wider tourism
The Conference agenda will be based on the
principles adopted in the Larrakia Declaration on
the Development of Indigenous Tourism, which was
established during the first Pacific Asia Indigenous
Conference, held in Darwin, Australia in March 2012.
The Declaration aims to uphold and respect
traditional laws, knowledge, land, and heritage in
all tourism decisions, while ensuring that
Indigenous peoples play a significant role in the
decision-making of public policy and programs in the
development of Indigenous tourism.
Source: PATA
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NEWS UPDATE. Janet Antonson
to India travel sector
is ready, willing and able to provide knowledge,
support and expertise to the travel and tourism
community in India in the wake of last week's
attacks in Mumbai. In a letter from PATA Chairman
Janice Antonson (pictured) to the Indian Minister
of Tourism Ambika Soni, Mrs Antonson has extended
condolences on behalf of the Association's staff
and members.
Antonson wrote: On behalf of the Directors, staff
and members of the Pacific Asia Travel Association
I extend to you our very sincere condolences for
the appalling loss of life in Mumbai. I would also
like to extend, through your offices, our
sympathies to the friends and families of those
killed and injured. Our thoughts and prayers are
with them all at this very distressing time. I know
you have much to consider in the wake of these
attacks but I just wanted to reassure you that PATA
is ready, willing and able to offer knowledge,
support and expertise to your travel and tourism
industry colleagues. If there is any way that we
can help your industry in such areas as crisis
management and online communications I know that
our full-time staff and our members will join hands
willingly to provide the support you need. With the
memories of our very successful PATA Travel Mart in
Hyderabad still so fresh in all our minds we can
only wish you well as you seek to recover and
rebuild. Once again please accept our deepest

ATA Sign Statement of Intent
PATA President and
CEO Mr Peter de Jong and Africa Travel Association
President and Zambia Minister of Tourism,
Environment and Natural Resources HE Kabinga
PATA President and
CEO Mr Peter de Jong and Africa Travel Association
(ATA) President and Zambia Minister of Tourism,
Environment and Natural Resources HE Kabinga Pande
signed a Statement of Intent, October 5, at the
Third Global Summit on Peace Through Tourism in
Pattaya, Thailand. The Statement indicates ATA's
and PATA's intention to more fully co-operate, with
the view to concluding a memorandum of
understanding at a future date.
Founded in 1951,
the Pacific Asia Travel Association (PATA) is the
recognised authority on Asia Pacific travel and
tourism. PATA provides leadership and advocacy to
the collective efforts of nearly 100 government,
state and city tourism bodies, more than 55
airlines and cruise lines, and hundreds of travel
industry companies. In addition, thousands of
travel professionals belong to dozens of PATA
chapters worldwide.
PATA's mission is
to enhance the growth, value and quality of Asia
Pacific travel and tourism for the benefit of its
membership. PATA is a not-for-profit

Award Presented at World Travel Market in London by
American Express Company, Corinthia Hotels
International, International Herald Tribune and
Reed Travel Exhibitions. The Eighth Annual World
Tourism Award, co-sponsored by American Express
Company (AMEX), Corinthia Hotels International
(CHI), International Herald Tribune (IHT) and Reed
Travel Exhibitions (RTE), was presented at a
special ceremony on Opening Day of World Travel
Market. The presentation was made at the World
Stage, ExCel Centre, London. The 2005 Award
Honorees were two of the travel industry's leading
membership associations in the travel and tourism
industry : the Africa Travel Association (ATA) and
the Pacific Asia Travel Association
(PATA). The Award was presented in recognition
of ATA and PATA' s "extraordinary vision in forging
a historic Asia-Africa Bridge of Tourism,
Friendship and Collaboration" announced at the
recent 3rd IIPT Global Summit on Peace Through
Tourism, Pattaya, Thailand, Oct. 2-5,
Accepting the Award at World Travel Market on
behalf of their organisations, were the Hon.
Kabinga J. Pande, MP, ATA President and Zambia's
Minister of Tourism, Environment and Natural
Resources and Mr Peter de Jong, President and CEO
of PATA.
Both leaders, who
signed the agreement in Thailand, expressed thanks
to IIPT for fostering and facilitating this
agreement. Hon. Pande and Mr Peter de Jong
expressed their firm commitment towards cooperation
between their respective organisations and
geographic regions. On behalf of ATA and PATA, the
agreement aims to forge a closer relationship
between Asia Pacific and Africa in the areas of
tourism intelligence and research, technology
transfer and best practices, bilateral cooperation
and sustainability initiatives. An outline of
immediate and medium-term initiatives, that both
organisations would be able to commit to, is being
drafted. The Award itself, a specially designed
Steuben Crystal bridge entitled, PARTNERSHIP, which
"celebrates the bond of a supportive partnership
which, like a bridge, spans both time and
distance," seems especially appropriate for the
2005 Honourees.
Find out more
about PATA at

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