am Angola, a land that holds
great promise in the many avenues
of travel, tourism and
hospitality - growth industries
destined to employ and involve an
increasing number of my citizens
as time marches on. I greet you
and invite you to explore all
corners of the land, where you
will meet a cross section of my
people, whose warmth and
friendship will remain in your
hearts and minds for a lifetime.

The African
Business Travel Association (ABTA)
will be encouraging Angolan
business travel professionals to
work together towards improving
their relationships with
potential Travel Agency, Airline
and Hotel Partners.
ABTA’s next event in Luanda on
11 September at The Talatona
Convention Hotel will provide a
platform for these industry
sectors to come together to
share their current challenges
in developing strong
partnerships, encouraging
improved communication, and
brainstorming solutions that
will benefit Travel Agents,
Airlines, Hotels, and the
Clients they service.

Says Monique Swart, ABTA Founder “For the
business travel industry in any region
to thrive, strong relationships and
partnerships are required between all
industry sectors which will see mutually
benefitical outcomes. In Angola, we see
that there is often an environment of
competition between Travel Agents and
Airlines (and sometimes hotels) who are all
trying to win and ‘own’ the same clients.
This unfortunately leads to a lot mistrust
and miscommunication in the industry, with
the clients often being caught in the
The ABTA Forum - which is open to all
business travel industry professionals –
will feature a panel of experts discussing
the current competitive environment,
addressing the reasons behind this, and
potential solutions. There will also be a
session focusing on the value of Travel
Agents and how they can better communicate
this value to their clients so that they are
not just seen as a travel booking channel,
easily replaced by internet or direct
bookings. Finally, the event will end with
an industry discussion where all delegates
can participate in sharing their challenges
and brainstorming workable solutions to
improve partnerships.
Says Swart: “We are under no illusion that
this challenge is one that will be easy to
fix. Airlines and hotels have very definite
issues and goals when it comes to reaching
volume targets and the requirement for
Travel Agents to make a positive impact on
these goals is of vital importance. At the
same time though, Travel Agents can’t be
ignored as a valuable distribution channel.
This event will serve to open the lines of
communication between these sectors as a
first step, so that sectors can better
understand each others challenges, which
will enable us as an industry to start
seeking solutions for improving these vital

Welcomes the World: Travel and
Tourism on Fast Track!
Jerry W. Bird.
is a success story in the making
-- a fascinating, uplifting saga
of recovery, renewal, revival,
restoration, and a massive
face-lift for Luanda and points
beyond. Shout it from the
rooftops ... "Peace has come to
Angola -- at last it can be
told." This resource rich
republic on Africa's South
Atlantic Coast has finally
escaped the shackles and shadows
of its topsy turvy past, and is
becoming a shining example for
emerging countries around the
world. Thanks to its presence in
Angola, the Africa Travel
Association (ATA) is the first
international tourism
organization to spread the good
news far and wide, in North
America and to its growing global
audience. I saw the signs a few
years ago, when Angola exhibited
at an ATA Congress Trade Show.
That positive move signaled the
country's desire to get back on
track for tourism -- and due to
continued efforts by H.E. Eduardo
Jonatáo. S. Chingunji,
Minister for Hotels and Tourism,
ATA has become the platform for
Angola's happy return. Not only
was ATA's Ninth International
Cultural and Ecotourism Symposium
awarded the prestige of a state
event, a significant, lasting
benefit was the inauguration of
an active
of the Africa Travel Association,
with the Minister as Honorary
President and First Lady Dr. Ana
Paula dos Santos as its
the Host City:
late October, 2005 the stage was
set, as delegates, speakers and
dignitaries from Africa, the USA
and Canada began arriving in
Luanda. Some came in advance and
seized the opportunity to
discover the host city's scenic
and cultural attractions,
starting with a leisurely stroll
along the 'marginal,' a wide
pedestrian seawalk that extends
from Le
hotel, the Port Authority and
Tourism Ministry offices for ten
or more city blocks. The
Portuguese colonial architecture
is magnificent, with edifices
such as the rose colored Banco de
Angola; building cranes on the
skyline attest to the rapid
development taking place. The
Tourism Ministry provided a bus
trip around the peninsula, where
a miniature Coney Island anchors
the far end of the narrow strip,
and facing the ocean on both
sides of the road is a string of
delightful beach front
restaurants for every taste, many
with lively, upbeat
entertainment, discos and
casinos. Rui, our tour director,
treated us to refreshments at his
personal Hernando's hideaway, a
laid back bistro called Coconuts,
where you could drink, dine or
dip and dive in the rolling surf.
Other stops included a shopping
spree at the Artesanat Market and
a 'cooler' at Jango Veleiro. An
evening cocktail party at Le
Presidente Meridien gave visitors
a chance to rub elbows with their
host country
from Luanda features interviews
Hon. Eduardo Chingunji, Lance
Bailey, Gaynelle Henderson
Jerry W. Bird, Chief Margaret
Fabiyi, Robert Eilets, George
D'Angelo and Terry Leonard.
Ramparts We
most breathtaking views of Luanda
port and the bay area, are seen
from the historic white-walled
perched like a proud sentinel
high above the city. From here,
Luanda Bay, with its many shades
of blue, is lined to the horizon
with craft of all types,
sailboats, sleek motor launches,
barges and freighters. Inside the
fort, elaborate ceramic tiles
tell the story of Angola from
early years, and in the courtyard
are large, imposing statues of
Portugal's first king, renowned
explorer Vasco de Gama and other
notables. Rusty relics of the
recent civil war, mark the Armed
Forces Museum on this site as a
living testament to the folly of
war and the hopeful emergence of
Peace Through Tourism. Today's
only battles are in the Olympics
and on the basketball court,
where Angola's stars shine, and
on the football field, where the
Angola team has qualified for the
World Cup for the first time.
While we stood there in awe of
this national treasure, a crew
was rolling out reams of red
carpet for an Independence Day
event, one of many activities
held at Luanda's most famous
outstanding dinner cruise by
motor launch to
one of the sun-kissed, palm
fringed islets on Luanda Bay,
rounded out our taste of a great
city that is about to reclaim its
stature, not only as a magnet for
business, but as a fun place for
visitors from many
Down to
opening ceremony on Monday
October 31 at the Palace of the
Congress, featured addresses by
H.E. Eduardo J. S. Chingunji, MP,
Minister of Hotels and Tourism,
Republic of Angola, the U.S.
Ambassador Cynthia Grissom Efird
(who hosted ATA delegates at her
residence later in the week), ATA
Executive Director Mira Berman
and ATA First Vice President
Gaynelle Henderson-Bailey. As
Honorary Chapter President, the
Minister stated, "After Angola
became an effective member of the
Africa Travel Association, the
inauguration of the Angolan
chapter on the 27 of October 2005
represented the high point in the
structural and organizational
process of its participation in
this important institution." He
went on to say, "The gathering of
such distinguished individuals
here today, to help launch the
Angola chapter is proof that ATA
can count on the goodwill and
solidarity of the people of the
land of the Palanca Negra and the
Weltwishia Mirabilis represented
by the members of this
it is Good News - it Must be
Africa :
the Media to Change the Way the
World Looks at Africa, " was the
theme for an International Media
Panel moderated by Karen Hoffman,
ATA Press Director and Vice
President, The Bradford Group,
New York. Panelists included
Charles Gatt Jr., Publisher,
Travel World News; Jerry W. Bird,
Editor and Publisher, Africa
Travel Magazine; Terry Leonard,
Southern Africa Bureau Chief,
Associated Press and Sandy
Dhuyvetter, President, TravelTalk
Radio. This working luncheon
provided tips on getting the good
news about Angola and other
African destinations out via
print, broadcast and the internet
media. Of special note is the
fact that the entire event
through November 4, was recorded
on video and audio by TravelTalk
Radio for broadcast throughout
the USA and worldwide. Many of
the symposium participants were
interviewed and the results may
be seen and heard on the
Cultural Foundations of
for this lively panel was Dr.
Gaynelle Henderson- Bailey of
Henderson Travel Services, ATA
First Vice President. Key topics
included: Outcome of the ATA
Eighth Cultural and Ecotourism
Symposium in Kampala - by H.E.
Akaki Ayumu Jovino, Minister of
State for Tourism and
Antiquities, Republic of Uganda.
Last year's symposium was a
significant landmark, as it was
the first time a head of state,
in this case, H.E. President
Museveni, made a personal
invitation, and Uganda's First
Lady became patron of the
country's first ATA chapter.
Tourism attractions in Urban
Cultural Venues within the
African Continent- by Patricia
Walker, The Cultural
National Heritage Conservation
Commission of Zambia - by Maxwell
Zulu, Education
South Africa's Department of
Environmental Affairs and Tourism
- by Violet Tsepane. South Africa
has been an ATA success story,
with chapters in four provinces,
and more on the way. Ms. Tsepane
stressed the importance of
members attending Indaba 2006
Conference and Trade Show, to be
held at a convenient time,
following the 31st ATA World
Congress in Ghana, May,
Impact of the Slave Route on
African Tourism
The African Diaspora Heritage
Trail - by Dr. Gaynelle
Henderson- Bailey. ATA members
welcomed news about the renewal
of this key project, a report on
the planning conference in
Bermuda and future events
involving ATA and the Caribbean
inauguration of the Craft,
Cultural and Tourism Fair was
held across Luanda Bay near the
Panorama Hotel.
Embassy of The Republic of
2100-2108 16th Street, NW,
Washington, DC 20009
202-785-1156 phone, 202-785-1258
Web site: http://www.angola.org
