The Africa Travel and Nature Library

From TravelTalk Radio
Think Tank in UK Looks to the Future of Business Travel in 2020

Rohit Talwar, CEO of Fast Future
Join Sandy to look into the crystal ball and learn from one of today's leading futurists, Rohit Talwar who runs a think tank in the UK where he and his colleagues study trends and futures in tourism and other industries. Fast Future has posed and projected a number of scenarios regarding events and meetings in 2020 and is running a study on the future of convention centers for the International Congress and Convention Association (ICCA). The first part of this study is a survey on what attendees will expect from live meetings, conventions and exhibitions in 2020.  Rohit will talk about what keeps him up at night at the think tank. Fast Future also welcomes your responses. If you are interested in the survey go to to weigh in on this worthwhile study. Archives will be up directly after the program at


West Africa has something special for every type of traveller. You’ll find the history and richness of tradition in places like Ghana and Mali. There are the stunning natural environments and welcoming communities of Sierra Leone and The Gambia. West Africa is a treasure trove of experiences waiting to be discovered. 

Each country tells its own story of a continent bursting with spirit, traditions, and contrast. Whether you're drawn to Cape Verde's island paradise, the historical echoes of Senegal and Benin, or the chaotic markets and natural wonders of Togo and Burkina Faso, you’ll fall in love with West Africa. 

So, pack your bags, bring an open mind and a hearty spirit, and set off to explore the unforgettable charm of West Africa. It’s a region that promises not just a vacation, but a journey into the heart of one of the most under travelled parts of the world.


is the place to be if you're eager to experience a mix of the traditional and the modern. There's so much to discover in Senegal.

In the capital of Dakar, you're greeted by dynamic markets and the charm of French colonial architecture - a busy urban experience. In contrast, is the restful beauty of the Saloum Delta and the mystical Pink Lake.  

Those lake waters change colour due to high salt content and microalgae. But it’s not hard to believe that something a bit more magical might be going on there

At the heart of Senegal's appeal is the concept of "Teranga". This Wolof word embodies the country's exceptional hospitality. Teranga is more than just kindness to strangers. It's a foundational pillar of Senegalese culture. Offering a warm, open-hearted welcome to visitors is as natural as breathing.


This spirit can be seen in every situation, from the busy city centres to the quiet villages. It creates a comforting sense of belonging and community for anyone lucky enough to sojourn here.

As well, you’ll experience Senegal's rich musical heritage, dynamic art scenes, and historical sites. These offer some profound insights into both the country's past and its contemporary identity.

Along with its hospitable locals, Senegal is known for its political stability, and is generally considered safe for travellers. But like any destination, it's wise to use common sense, stay informed about the safety of local areas, and research travel advisories when you plan your trip.

Travelers with mobility impairments will find plenty of wheelchair-accessible things to do, like a Wheelchair-Accessible Discover Dakar Tour that allows you to explore gems such as the Renaissance Monument, the Mosque of the Divinity, the Soumbedioum Market, the Cathedral of African Remembrance, the Kermel Market and more.

Other accessible activities include a Half Day Bandia Wildlife Safari from Dakar, a Half Day Pink Lake and Turtle Village Tour,

Don’t Miss: Île de Gorée - This island is an important memorial to the Atlantic slave trade. It will give you some understanding of Ghanaian history, with its well-preserved architecture and the House of Slaves museum. And yes, there are Wheelchair-Accessible Tours of Gorée Island.


is a country of stable democracy, friendly communities, and an attractive blend of sights, activities, and natural wonders. Known as the "Gold Coast" for its rich resources, Ghana is an area of relative ease and safety in West Africa.

Its commitment to peace is highlighted by its status as one of the first African countries to gain independence.

The warmth of the Ghanaian people is summed up in their greeting "Akwaaba" (welcome) which will make you feel right at home. From busy markets filled with textiles to quiet beaches and stunning national parks, Ghana offers a mix of experiences.

You’ll be drawn to the haunting beauty of the Cape Coast Castle and the Elmina Castle. In these places, you can still hear the echoes of the slave trade. 

Wheelchair-accessible Tours Of The Cape Coast are available.

Kumasi's Ashanti Kingdom in Kumasi, a large city, is a highlight of Ghana, dating back to the 17th century. It remains a key piece of Ghana's cultural and historical landscape.

Wheelchair Accessible Tours of Kumasi are available.

The Ashanti people's ongoing resilience and strength are a deep source of pride. The Ashanti Kingdom shares traditions such as the famous Kente cloth weaving. Locally these cloths symbolize social prestige, and are worn for occasions like graduation ceremonies. They’re also beautiful keepsakes for you to take home.


Ivory Coast, or Côte d'Ivoire

is a cool, lesser-known cousin in the West African family of countries. It will surprise you with its eclectic mix of experiences. 

Travel from the buzzing streets of Abidjan, where skyscrapers light up the skyline, to the laid-back atmosphere of beach towns like Grand-Bassam. It's a place where you can go from city slicker to beachcomber in no time. 

There’s some attention-grabbing history here, too. The colonial architecture in Grand-Bassam will give you a glimpse into Ivory Coast’s past. Yamoussoukro, on the other hand, hosts a Basilica of Our Lady of Peace that trumps the Vatican with its sheer size and grandeur.

Wheelchair-Accessible Tours of Grand-Bassam are available.

Ivory Coast is teeming with busy markets, dynamic music scenes, and of course, the mouthwatering, saucy Ivorian cuisine. There are even exquisite national parks, where you can get your fix of thick rainforests and exotic wildlife. You could see pygmy hippos, chimpanzees, elephants, and a host of other animals, birds, and reptiles.

Ivory Coast is a fun, safe, interesting West African experience. Check on travel advisories when you plan your trip, and you’ll have a worry-free time.

Don’t Miss: Tai National Park - One of the last remaining areas of primary rainforest in West Africa, Tai is not only a UNESCO World Heritage site but also home to an incredible variety of wildlife.

Faustin Karasira Head Tourism Rwanda Development Board

Belize Kariza Chief Tourism Officer Rwanda Development Board

Belize Kariza, Chief Tourism Officer confirm that Rwanda tourism is a hidden treasure that should be discovered, experienced, shared and protected for all generations to come. 


Rwanda, a Remarkable land of a Thousand hills and a million smiles is often referred to by some as a small Africa and for a good reason. Because, it offers one unique and diverse experiences scattered all over the continent.
She adds that the joint marketing programmes with Kenya and Uganda under the Northern Corridor Integration Projects, as well as the One Single Visa, are all efforts to promote the three countries as one destination,
 plus the role of media and establishment of marketing representations in key markets for different market niches, and coming soon the Remarkable Rwanda app.

Hon.Phyllis Kandie
Kenya Ministry of East African Affaires, Commerce and Tourism

Hon. Kandie was born in Eldama Ravine, Baringo County, Kenya. In 1986 she joined St. Mary’s University, Canada for her undergraduate where she attained a B.Com (Economics) Degree. She then proceeded to Middlesex University, United Kingdom in 1991 and Durham University, UK for her MBA and further training. She is married to Ambassador Julius Kandie and blessed with two children, Lawrence and Simon. Professionally, Mrs. Kandie an investment banker and prior to her nomination, she was engaged as a Director, Investment Advisory Services at Standard Investment Bank. The new minister has also served as a regulator within the capital markets, energy and agricultural sector. Previously, she was a Business Advisory Consultant for the SME sector having consulted for the World Bank and European Union. She has also several boards including the Kenya Revenue Authority.

Uganda, which assumed the presidency of the Africa Travel Association (ATA) a year ago after hosting the hugely successful 39th Annual Congress in Munyonyo, Kampala, yesterday evening hosted delegates and invited guests to a dinner at the InterContinental Hotel in Nairobi. The Honorable Doctor Maria Mutagamba, Uganda’s Minister for Tourism, Wildlife and Antiquities, welcomed the delegates of the congress and other invited guests to the dinner function, bringing back memories of the 39th Congress a year ago when she assumed the Presidency of ATA. With her was Mrs. Susan Muhwezi, the Uganda ATA Chapter President, both expressing their thanks for the honor of having been host country a year ago, after ATA held its initial function in 2004 when ATA’s Cultural Forum was held in Uganda.

It is now the turn of 2015 host country Kenya to take over the rotating presidency of the Africa Travel Association for the next year, and Cabinet Secretary Phyllis Kandie, who was the guest of honor for the evening, readily accepted the challenge. Kenya traditionally hosts the round figure ATA congresses, and the next time the organization will return to Nairobi will be in 2025. The Kenya Tourism Board, aka Magical Kenya, played a key role in preparing for, organizing, and executing this year’s congress, and Managing Director Muriithi Ndegwa, seen in the photo with some of his key staff after a media briefing in the KTB Boardroom yesterday, repeatedly expressed his delight to host delegates from ATA member countries, in particular North America. He encouraged the media team and delegates to take back their own experience and impressions of the country and tell the world that the Kenya they saw is not the Kenya often portrayed in international news broadcasts. 

Meanwhile, it was learned that Rwanda will be host country for the 41st Annual Congress of the Africa Travel Association to be held in a year in Kigali, after joining the association as a full member. Rwanda was represented at the Nairobi Congress by the Chief Tourism Officer at the Rwanda Development Board, Ms. Belise Kariza, who took over office from Amb. Yamina who was shortly after hosting the Kwita Izina Gorilla Naming Festival posted as Rwanda’s High Commissioner to Britain. Being selected as host country reflects the strides Rwanda has made over the past decade in raising the country’s tourism profile. The sector is now Rwanda’s leading foreign exchange earner and visitor numbers have steadily risen over the years. The creation of a fourth national park two months ago, Gishwati-Mukura, underscores Rwanda’s ongoing commitment towards environmental protection and sustainability of a now greatly-diversified range of tourism products.



Magical Kenya Cultural Night:

Kenya offers an unparalleled range of travel options. The incredible diversity of landscapes, cultures, wildlife and activities mean endless opportunities for adventure and relaxation, luxury and natural simplicity, social experiences and solitude. 

In one of a series of Africa Tourism Videos featuring African destinations, Uganda President Yoweri Museveni provides some powerful reasons why you should have the opportunity to experience an fascinating country which is no ordinary safari destination! A Pearl of Africa of stunning landscapes and Mountain Gorillas, a intelligent trip with indelible memories.
Check out Africa Travel Association Video



Interview with our Publisher. On Air

Rick Antonson invites delegates to CLIA Cruise Show and other events has the first African talk show in the USA. He has created an connection with people around the world.

Other Audio Visual Features:
Staff Interview by Jerry W. Bird at Moevenpick Hotel Media City, Cairo
Moroccan Travel Market (video}

Please send your audio clips to Voices of Africa:
AMPA Moroccan Business Association

Interview with our Publisher. In Print

Moroccan Interviews on TravelTalk Radio with Sandy Dhuyvetter, TravelTalk Radio Host

Jerry W. Bird, Publisher , Africa Travel Magazine from Essaouira

Boubker Mazoz, Public Affairs Specialist, US Consulate Rabat

Stephen Hayes, Corporate Council for Africa, USA
An Encore with Mr. Hayes

Acting United States Ambassador to Morocco

Ricks Café Casablanca

TravelTalk Radio Transcripts:



Multicultural TV Series: From Vancouver, host city of the UN World Urban Forum. Portiuguese TV Show
hostess Margarida inerviews Jerry W. Bird following his tour of Angola hostted by the Minister of Tourism













African Delegates at UN World Urban Forum, Minister - Nigeria... Hakeem Badejo, Nigeria... Raymond Kalisa, Rwanda ... Hamza Ahmed, Kenya... Seydou Sow, Senegal... Grace Kisiraga, Kenya... George Doku- Malawi... Emmanuel - Ghana... Osman Osmai - South Africa... Jeff Kimani, Kenya... Mike Moyo, Malawi... Jare- Nigeria... Esther- Kenya... Jerry W. Bird - Editor

Ghana sweeps Africa Radio Awards regional final. thestatesmanonline



AUDIO TOURS, New York, Museums, etc.


On American Television: The Africa Channel

From Atlanta on    

Montreal Travel Show Video . Voluntourism Video

Radio Broadcast from Arusha, Tanzania at ATA 33rd World Congress
Here are some of the many delegates interviewed by Sandy Dhuyvetter
of TravelTalk Radio.

SAYED KHALIFA . USA and Latin America Director for the Egyptian Tourism Authority interviewed on TravelTalk Radio.
See t
he video

AUDIO TOURS: Africa Travel Magazine's Media Team on location at Travel Expos, Embassies and ATA Chapters. Audio Profiles of the Great Cities of Africa will soon be part of the Advertising Package as a bonus to our print advertisers. Includes are: Abidjan - Abuja- Addis Ababa - Agadir- Cairo - Calabar - Casablanca - Conakry - Cape Town - Dar es Salaam - Douala - Essaouira - Fès - Kampala - Luanda - Lusaka- Marrakech - Meknès - Mombasa: - Nairobi - Rabat - Timbuktu - Yaounde - More to Come: Send items on your city

Africans in Canada Study Click for detailed information

Béal-Nénakwé Florence - Web Site - Portfolio on PDF
Artists and Crafts list -
Web Site
Africa Fair Designers -
Web Site

Photos from the New York City Festival Entertainers

The Ngoma Africa Band , a Tanzanian band based in Germany has released a new single CD

"Apache wacha Pombe"(Apache stop over driking alcohol).

This danceable song composed by bandleader Ebrahim Makunja aka Ras Makunja "bwana kichwa ngumu is about a poor man  called "Apache" who spends all his meagre income in alcohol instead of taking care of  his sweet family. The song remainds people like Apache to invest such a money in education of their children to that they can build a better future. It remainds them that they have to think of their families instead of wasting their money entertaing freinds with drinks. On this New hit! Ras makunja sings together with Soloist Chiristia Bakotessa aka Chris B,

Apache is arleady dominating many radio station in Europe and some radio in East Africa. Apache is great Hit make Tanzanian Bongo dance is taking  Europe by strom.The Ngoma Africa Band is very popural by driving audience crazy hey style of music which is a fusion of Tanzanian  "Bongo Dance" with swahili rumba is quite unique.The have also maintained the tradition of singing in Swahili. This Golden Voice Of East Africa "Ngoma Africa" have named several time at International Festivals is the best band. Lsten on

AFRICA'S CARIBBEAN CONNECTION (see African Diaspora Section)
Check this website: