d'Ivoire, West Africa
A destination which deserves to be one of
the first worldwide
(which inherently already
an international tax lawyer, I was, by the
end of 1981, in charge of the
international tax department of the first
French exporting Group. Hence I got to
Cote d'Ivoire where two subsidiaries were
located. That was my second visit to
I found
lush vegetation, evengreens and lively
markets I had learned to like and enjoy in
Cameroon, kindness and smile on top of it.
In spite of numerous trips within four
continents and about sixty countries, the
most often pleasant, I continually
discovered and rediscovered Cote d'Ivoire
with renewed pleasure and joy. In other
words, Cote d'Ivoire would not stop
charming me. Each stay made me want to
come back.
By the
end of 1 988 love made me settle in Cote
d'Ivoire. For the following four years, I
lived and worked in Abidjan and devoted
the largest part of my vacations and time
off to bettering my knowledge of Cote
d'Ivoire, its numerous peoples, regions,
cultures and traditions, pieces of art
craft and landscapes.
few years later, travel, tourism and
hospitality business that I had until then
known as a learned customer had to become
my destiny.
I had
the fondest memories of spectacular
landscapes, breathtaking views; pristine
beaches, multiples shades of green,
indefinite lushness, singular birds, weird
and wonderful fishes,peculiar monkeys and
other rare animals; authentic villages and
people, beautiful sunsets, delightful
hurricane lamp lit dinners,
sand and long lines of coconut and palm
trees, impressive mangrove swamps and
bamboo forests; harmony and tolerance, and
most importantly the infallible courtesy
and dedicated care of the inhabitants. So
many moments of genuine happiness were
there, were still alive. I also remembered
that hotels were few. Consequently Cote
d'Ivoire was at the top range of the
places where tourism investment could have
a high and quick return.
months later, market research, field work,
journeys, scientific reports, all
reinforced my conviction: I would select
Cote d'Ivoire as a privileged venue for
investing in beach and leisure tourism and
hospitality business in spite of the
attractiveness of neighboring countries.
Infrastructure, training, human
relationships, virginity of the
destination; so huge untamed potential had
made the difference,
As well
Europe being so close by;
Lack of jet lag whose ominous effects are
well known;
Sunshine and heat when the winter rages in
Warm sea (22/23 °C at the worse
moments, most frequently 27/28°C in
the southwest),
Historical heritage and cultural
Lush vegetation and rich untamed
Hospitality, gentleness and amicability;
High quality handicraft and primary
A myriad of possibilities: visiting
reserve parks such as Taï National
Park in the west or Comoe Park up north,
immersing in world heritage, African
culture and ways of life, relaxing on
spotless beaches or by majestic rivers and
wild fresh water streams; making jungle
trips and hiking; riding a boat;
discovering indigenous dance and ritual
ceremonies or the modern Notre Dame de la
Paix basilica ; surfing, fishing blue
marlin or admiring starlit skies
of those have been lost. Better still the
demand is evolving towards individual
journeys, slow travel, eco-tourism,
community-based and environment friendly
tourism, cultural discovery, authenticity
and personal care. Cote d'Ivoire ideally
responds to all the current special
interest market segments. It's more
attractive than it has ever
south west &endash; typically the
Sassandra region - seems to have been
created to tone with the needs of the
city-dwellers, who feel stressed and
anonymous numbers in a world without
mercy, frustrated of the speed of an earth
that turns too quickly and doesn't spare
them any attention or care.
vegetation that overflows with life for
the very pleasure of visitors; small
creeks permitting beautiful soft bathing ,
magnificent lagoons , smooth hills;
authentic villages ; citrus fruit
plantations; multiple flagrances and
majestic rubber trees all contribute to
dreaming and laziness, rest and
peaceful historic city of Sassandra is
blessed by gods : at the outlet of
the Sassandra River between lagoon and
Ocean, a microclimate (the most moderate
of the 550 km of the Ivorian coastline),
the wharf that seems to await travelers to
step out of the skiffs after a long
transatlantic journey; the former trade
houses along the beach that edges the
River; the lively fishing port and the
multicolored traditional dugouts canoes;
scenic views from the hills that dominate
the town; the residence of the circle
commander (known as "House of the
Governor"); a few kilometers further
north, the Weygand Bridge, the first
concrete bridge in the west Africa
and more generally; the
vestiges of a more active past that
invites dream and romance.
Best of Afroca
Beatrice Grandcolas & Ollivier
Email: best@bestofafrica.org
Tel : 225-34 72 06 06m Dagbego - Cúte
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