Travel Magazine Serves the Youth
Young! Think Big! Think Africa!
All around the world,
millions of young travelers are taking to the road.
Many of us eternal youngsters have that same urge.
Any mountain top, raging river, seascape or sand
dune will do. In our editorial group's numerous and
lengthy visits to Africa, the continent's appeal to
the young traveler has not escaped our watchful
eyes. Today , thanks to the internet's universal
appeal and ATA's influential and far-reaching Web
Site, Africa Travel Magazine plans to produce a
Travel Guide to Africa for the Youth Market. Like
our other Adventure Travel and Air Tourism
publications, it will feature a Supermap of routes
and air gateways.
GenEx Revealed. A Web Site that focuses on
the Youth Market, offering a world of low cost
travel packages, services. key links and useful
tips. Much more information to come on this page.
Corners: Read what award-winning ATA member
Eddie Bergan (left and above) and his friends from
New York University are doing at Tanzania's
Miracle Corners
Young Eagles:
like many of us, you spent part of your teenage
years as an air cadet or reserve airman, you'll
know the thrill and pride of accomplishment that a
small group from Canada's Fraser Valley experienced
in the skies over Abbotsford Airport. They were all
part of the EAA Aviation Foundation's "Young
Eagles" program, whose mission is to provide a
motivational aviation experience, focusing on a
demonstration flight in an
Global Youth Travel is on the rise:
News Release
youth travel is on the rise as costs fall, the
Internet makes booking easy and young people take
time off to travel after either finishing school or
college, or between college years. They are setting
out to explore different cultures and places,
perhaps learn a different language, do some au-pair
work and tuck some travel experience under their
belt before taking on the working and family
responsibilities of adulthood.
These young people are the
targets of groupings like the Federation of
International Youth Travel Organizations (FIYTO)
and the International Student Travel Confederation
(ISTC) which met in Dusseldorf, Germany, in
September 2000 for their joint annual bash called
the World Youth and Student Travel Conference
(WYSTC). Also at the WYSTC were a number of smaller
groupings affiliated with FIYTO and/or ISTC, like
the International Au Pair Association and
Association of Language Travel
Altogether, the WYSTC brings
together accommodation centers, adventure travel
companies, au pair agencies, home-stay
organizations, educational travel groups, theme
parks and restaurants, student travel bureaux,
youth hostel associations and many others with an
interest in the promotion of youth travel. It is
the only conference of its kind
Mr. Jack Coronna, the
immediate past president of FIYTO, estimates that
the youth market comprises 20 percent of mainstream
tourism. In 1999, the 353 members of FIYTO served
16 million young travelers, generating an estimated
turnover of US$8 billion and selling over seven
million air and surface transport tickets. FIYTO
member organizations also employ about 28,000
full-time staff and another 70,000 people on a
part-time or seasonal basis. They own and manage
about 600,000 beds in hotels, hostels, holiday and
accommodation centers.
Born in 1951, mainly to bond
erstwhile trans-Atlantic wartime enemies, FIYTO's
aim has been to promote educational, cultural and
social travel among young people. To the travel
trade, international and government organizations,
FIYTO campaigns for the special identity of young
travelers and their right to affordable travel and
travel-related services.
The other organization,
ISTC, groups together associations serving
primarily the student travel market, like those
providing air tickets and insurance services. One
of its most important functions is the issuance and
administration of the International Student
Identity Card (ISIC - more about this below).
Though there is considerable overlap between the
membership and philosophies of FIYTO and ISTC, they
have been kept separate because their cultures are
essentially different.
Growth in the youth market
has not been free of problems. The young are
proficient Internet users, which means that many
established companies that once specialized in
handling their travel arrangements risk redundancy.
Young people are also prone to security and health
risks because of their love for adventure and a
desire to visit off-the-beaten-track
While the industry wants the
young to travel because it improves their prospects
of getting jobs, many countries impose strict visa
and work permit restrictions, even though many
young people bring language and other
qualifications that few local citizens could
The surprising lack of
interest from the PATA region
So far, the youth market is
dominated by travelers from the industrialized
countries. From the PATA region, this includes the
USA, Australia and Japan. But a huge future
potential lies in wait, especially when considering
the emerging markets of India and China (PRC). Add
to that Korea (ROK), Chinese Taipei and the
economically-recovering countries of the
Association of Southeast Asian Nations, and
handling youth travel becomes a major growth
opportunity. Sadly, it is one that most PATA
countries have not yet taken seriously.
Before FIYTO and ISTC merged
their annual conferences into the WYSTC in 1992,
FIYTO had convened in Asia several times, including
Pattaya and Beijing. Indeed, the last annual WYSTC
took place as recently as September 1999 in
Bangkok. In spite of that, interest from Asia has
been slow to take off. At the WYSTC 2000 in
Dusseldorf, total delegate turnout from Asia was
less than 50 out of a total attendance of nearly
Only the Japanese are
beginning to show considerable interest in line
with the growth in Japanese youth travel worldwide.
The Tourism Authority of Thailand took up half a
booth to maintain the profile in the aftermath of
the 1999 Bangkok conference and distribute
supporting material. But the lone Thai seller was a
small Bangkok youth hostel which took advantage of
a special opportunity for smaller exhibitors to
take a table top for only US$100.
One regular Asian
buyer/seller at the WYSTC is Mr. D. Ramchand, Chief
Executive of MSL Travel, Malaysia. He set up MSL
Travel in 1975 and became a member of FIYTO in
1987. He has attended most of the FIYTO conventions
since then, and all the WYSTCs.
Mr. Ramchand believes Asian
governments need to institutionalize youth travel.
He says that in the industrialized countries,
students and youth travel discounts are part of the
system, along with special rates for pensioners and
handicapped people. In Pacific Asia, he says, none
of the major Southeast or South Asian countries
have such facilities.
Mr. Ramchand says serving
Malaysian students going abroad and student/youth
inbound business makes up about 60 percent of his
total business. As a licensee of the ISIC card in
Malaysia, Mr. Ramchand turns out 12,000 cards a
year. Expanding awareness of the ISIC card and
gaining acceptance is an on-going process. The card
delivers 50 percent discounts on Air Asia, 25
percent on Pelangi Air and 20 percent discounts on
airport coach transfers from Kuala Lumpur
International Airport to the city.
He says Asian governments
need to make a start by first clearly identifying
what youth travel is. In Europe "youth" is defined
as being under 26 but in India it is under 30 and
in Malaysia under 40, which would comprise 40
percent of the population. He says efforts have
been made to set up a Pacific Asia chapter of
FIYTO, but it has not worked out. He suggests that
youth and student travel groups need to raise their
profile at regional and international travel shows
such as the PATA Mart and ASEAN Tourism