The African
Development Foundation
African Development Foundation (ADF) is the only
U.S. government agency working solely at the
community level in Africa to alleviate poverty and
promote broad-based sustainable development. Over
the past 20 years, ADF has funded more than 1,500
community-based projects, with 250 projects
currently receiving support. Learn about the
important role that ADF plays in strengthening
community-based organizations and small businesses
in Africa.
Example from ADF
Ugandan fisherman Kiwamuka Lukoda's quote on
the inside cover of this report speaks volumes
about ADF's innovations and impact on alleviating
poverty and promoting broad-based economic and
social development in today's Africa. At the heart
of that approach is increasing the effectiveness
and scale of local development efforts. Just a few
years ago, Lukoda supported himself and his family
on the equivalent of US$600 per year. Now he's
making that much in a single month as a result of a
catalytic ADF grant that enabled Uganda Marines, a
fish processing plant in Kampala, to purchase the
equipment it needed to process, freeze, and export
fish caught by Lukoda and dozens of other fishermen
to consumers in Europe and Australia.
the past 20 years, ADF has invested in the
capabilities and dreams of hundreds of thousands of
Africans like Lukoda. Far from giving a handout, we
work to equip individuals and community groups in
Africa with the tools and resources to identify and
solve their own problems. We foster sustainability
and self-reliance, as we build capacity and
mobilize local resources for
Small and Micro Enterprise
Trade and Investment
HIV/AIDS Prevention and
Grant Application
ADF Reports
ADF Press Releases
ADF E-Publications