UNCHS (Habitat)'s
Executive Director Mrs. Anna Tibaijuka About UNCHS
(Habitat) A Tanzanian national,
Mrs. Tibaijuka holds a Doctorate of Science in Agricultural
Economics from the Swedish University of Agricultural
Sciences in Uppsala. From 1993 to 1998, when she joined
UNCTAD, Mrs. Tibaijuka was Associate Professor of Economics
at the University of Dar-es-Salaam. During this period she
was also a member of the Tanzanian Government delegation to
Dedicated to the role,
and rights, of women in development, Mrs. Tibaijuka is the
founding Chairperson of the Tanzanian National Women's
Council (BAWATA), an independent, non-politically aligned,
organisation advocating for women's rights to land,
inheritance and social services. Mrs. Tibaijuka is also
founding Chairperson of the Barbro Johansson Girls Education
Trust which is dedicated to promoting high standards of
education amongst girls in Tanzania and in
Africa. Mrs. Tibaijuka was also
the convener of Tanzania's Local Entrepreneurs Initiative
(TALE), a voluntary group mobilising and assisting
Tanzanians to form joint venture companies with overseas
investors. She has been a Board Member of the Tanzania
Economic Policy Development and Management Foundation and is
a Director of a number of private companies dedicated to
encouraging entrepreneurship and efficiency in the marketing
of agricultural commodities. Mrs. Tibaijuka has
undertaken extensive research on agriculture, rural
development and human settlements policy; trade and
marketing, cooperative development and aid policy; welfare
economics with a focus on education, health and nutrition,
water and food security; women in development; and tropical
agriculture and environmental economics. She has published
five books and a large number of articles and papers. Her
books include: Strategies for Smallholder Agricultural
Development in Kagera region, Tanzania (Agricultural
University, Uppsala, 1979); Tanzania's Priority Social
Action Programme (Dar-es-Salaam University Press, 1993);
Poverty and Social Exclusion in Tanzania (ILO, International
Institute for Labour Studies, 1996); The Social Services
Crisis of the 1990s (Ashgare Publishing Ltd, London,
1998). Mrs. Anna Tibaijuka
speaks English, Swahili, Haya, Swedish and some French. She
is a widow and has four children. Anna Kajumulo
Tibaijuka MORE WHO'S WHO
FROM AFRICA Ali Mohamed Shein:
Vice President, Government of Tanzania Harriette Amissah
ArthurL Director, KITE, Ghana Mary Balikungeri:
Rwanda Women's Network, Rwanda Tasneem Essop:
Minister of Environment, Planning and Economic Development,
Government of the Western Cape, South Africa Eric Falt: Director
of the Division of Communications & Public Information,
United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP),
Kenya Bhekokwakhe Hamilton
Cele: Transport Safety and Community Liaison Officer,
KwaZulu Natal, South Africa Lamine Mbassa:
Director of Economic and Financial Affairs,
Communauté Urbaine de Douala (CUD),
Cameroon Jean-Pierre Mbassi:
Secretary General, United Cities & Local Governments
Africa Smangaliso Mkhatshwa
: Councillor of Tshwane, South Africa Abbès Mohsen:
Mayor of Tunis, Tunisia; President of the Féderation
Nationale des Villes Tunisiennes, Tunisia Rose Molokoane: South
African Homeless People's Federation, South
Africa Maria Mutagamba:
Minister of State for Urban Employment & Poverty
Alleviation, Government of Uganda, Uganda John Pombe Magufuli :
Minister of Housing, Lands and Human Settlements, Government
of Tanzania, Co-Chair WUF 3 Lindiwe Sisulu:
Minister of Housing, Government of South Africa
Director from Tanzania stars at UN World Urban Forum 3 in
new Executive Director of the United Nations Centre for
Human Settlements (Habitat), Mrs. Anna Kajumulo Tibaijuka,
comes to Habitat from the United Nations Conference on Trade
and Development (UNCTAD) where she has been the Special
Coordinator for Least Developed Countries, Landlocked and
Small Island Developing Countries. In this role, Mrs.
Tibaijuka has been responsible for strengthening the
capacity of LDCs in trade negotiations with the World Trade
Organisation. Most recently, Mrs. Tibaijuka was also
designated the Executive Secretary for the Third United
Nations Conference on Least Developed Countries which is to
be held in Brussels next year.
United Nations Summits including the United Nations
Conference on Human Settlements (Istanbul, 1996); the World
Food Summit (Rome 1996); the Fourth World Conference on
Women (Beijing 1995) and the World Summit for Social
Development (Copenhagen, 1995). At these conferences, Mrs.
Tibaijuka was an active member of the Civil Society and NGO
Forums. At the World Food Summit in Rome, she was elected
Coordinator for Eastern Africa in the Network for Food
Security, Trade and Sustainable Development (COASAD). Mrs.
Tibaijuka has also been a Board Member of UNESCO's
International Scientific Advisory Board since November
Executive Director, UNCHS
conference speaker list included many high profile Africans.
Here are just some of the people who shared their expertise
and experience with participants at WUF3:
Contact numbers and some
biographies available.