
Peace ThroughTourism Conference
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Nelspruit, Mpumalanga, South Africa,
March 2002, : A dramatic, torch-lighting ceremony accompanied by a parade of young people carrying the flags of Africa's 53 countries, heralded the opening of the First IIPT African Conference on Peace through Tourism in Mpumalanga's capital, Nelpspruit, South Africa.
Photo: Mira Berman plants a tree on behalf of ATA at the Peace Forest dedicated at God's Window in Mpumlanaga at Africa's 1st IIPT Peace Through Tourism Summit.

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Above: Peace Through Tourism Global Summit,
Amman, Jordan, November 8-11, 2000. Capt

Right: Sequence includes (a) Hon. Michael Afedi Gizo at the podium (2) Professor Ram Meghji, of Tanzania and others in that country's delegation, planting tree at Bethany beyond the Jordan at a new Peace Park dedication..

Photos taken during ASTA 2000, Las Vegas (ATA) OFFICIAL PHOTO
Top: SATH Access to Freedom Award
Left to right: Ruth Vidockler, Co-Founder, Society for the Advancement of Travel for the Handicapped and Mature (SATH); Robert F. Brennan, President and CEO, Brennan Tours; Francis H. Goranin, CTC, Vega Travel/ Travelex International.


Press Conference- ATA
Miss A.O. Bode-Thomas,Chairman, ATA Chapter, Nigeria; Miss Omotayo Omotosho, Chief Executive Nigeria Tourism Development Corp. (NTDC); Louis Louis J. D'Amore, founder and President of IIPT, International Institute for Peace Through Tourism.

 Africa Travel Association- IIPT Press Conference, ASTA 2000, Las Vegas
Left to right: Louis D'amore, Founder and President, International Institute of Peace Through Tourism (IIPT); Sylvia Frommer-Mrackey, Production Travel & Tours; Nigerian Travel Agent; David Lazik, Air Afrique; Ms. Omotayo Omotosho, Chief Executive, Nigeria Tourism Development Corp (NTDC); Gaynelle Henderson-Bailey, Ghana Airways; Sharifa Burnett, Alken Tours; Mrs. A.O. Bode- Thomas, Chairman, ATA Nigeria Chapter; Mira Berman, Executive Director , Africa Travel Association (ATA); Thomas S. Village, Sales Division Manager, South African Airways.

More ATA Photos from ASTA 2000 (click here) Additional photos (click here)