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Rwanda Hope
SATH: Travel for


Return to Paradise

Photos taken during ASTA 2000, Las Vegas


Top: SATH Access to Freedom Award
Left to right: Ruth Vidockler, Co-Founder, Society for the Advancement of Travel for the Handicapped and Mature (SATH); Robert F. Brennan, President and CEO, Brennan Tours; Francis H. Goranin, CTC, Vega Travel/ Travelex International.

Center: Press Conference- IIPT with SATH
Louis J. D'Amore,
founder and President of IIPT, International Institute for Peace Through Tourism; Stuart Vidockler (IIPT); Joan Diamond, Nautilus Tours; Don Daly, consultant, American Express.

Below: Press Conference- ATA
Miss A.O. Bode-Thomas,Chairman, ATA Chapter, Nigeria; Miss Omotayo Omotosho, Chief Executive Nigeria Tourism Development Corp. (NTDC); Louis Louis J. D'Amore,
founder and President of IIPT, International Institute for Peace Through Tourism.

Photo of Combined Group: ATA - IIPT- SATH

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