
Have you heard about Uniterra?

Great Causes
Adventures & Study Tours
Affordable Housing
Africare History
Africare Online
Africare and TB
Africa Travel Volunteers
Agriculture, AATF
Centers of Excellence .
Civic Tourism
Cultural Highway
Communities in Bloom
Computer Recycling
Diabetes Hypertension Help
Distance Education
Emmissions Control
Famine Relief
Free the Children
Friends of World Heritage
Genesis Initiative
Global Volunteers
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Globe 2008 - Cities
Green Revolution
Homeless People
Hope for the Cities
Jane Goodall Institute
Miracle Corners
Peace Parks
Peace Ethiopia
Peace Dividends
Peace Photos
Planting Pride
Points of Light
Rockefeller Foundation
Sierra Leone Film
Travel for Handicapped
Trees in Peril
Tree Planting
UN World Urban Forum
World Water Day

Outside the Box
.Gateways to Tourism
Africa's Cities
Africa's Mayors
Who's Who?
Africans On Video
Sister Cities
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Photos 3 / Photos 4 ayors
Who's Who?
Africans On Video
Sister Cities
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Photos 3 / Photos 4

Have you heard about Uniterra?

Uniterra Volunteers

Cooperate with Uniterra and work in partnership with various organizations, both in developing countries and in Canada. TVolunteers share their experiences with their community, encourage international solidarity, and help shape policies towards meeting the Millennium Development Goals.

With Uniterra, you can volunteer for a posting of two weeks to two years, depending on the needs of local cooperation initiatives. Canadian volunteers for Uniterra must be Canadian citizens or have landed immigrant status . Uniterra also offers the possibility for local resources from different program countries to participate in the initiatives and cooperation projects of partner organizations. These volunteers ensure long term follow-up and the maintenance of knowledge and skills acquired via the Uniterra Program.








