Art Books
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Finance Africa:
Continent of Economic
Opportunities The
above book cover art
is a reproduction of an
original batik painting
titled "African Connection" by Nuwa
Nnyanzi of Uganda
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tell the owner and manager of your
favorite book store that our book Africa:
Continent of Economic Opportunities (STE
Publishers, Johannesburg, South
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be purchased by book stores in June 2006
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EMail: Africa:
Continent of Economic Opportunities
Chapter Three thru Chapter Nineteen will
feature numerous successful entrepreneurs
and enterprises creating jobs in all 53
African countries and improving the
quality of life in their local African
communities. It will also feature Economic
and Political Policies; Challenges
and Opportunities; and Commentary and
Conclusions. Best
Regards, David Fick Table of
Contents: Introduction
African Continent
1. Economic
and Political Policies
2. Challenges
and Opportunities II.
West Africa
3. Ghana
4. Nigeria
5. The Gambia, Sierra
Leone, Liberia, Guinea, Senegal,
Côte d'Ivoire, Togo, Benin, Burkina
Faso, Mali, Niger, Guinea-Bissau, and Cape
Verde. III.
Southern Africa
6. Namibia, Botswana,
Lesotho, and Swaziland
7. Madagascar,
Mauritius, Seychelles, Comoros,
Mozambique, and Zimbabwe
8. South Africa: Mining,
Agriculture, Construction, Transport and
9. South Africa:
Business, Manufacturing, African Arts
& Crafts, Health, Education, and
Media 10. South
Africa: Investors, Bankers and
Exchanges IV.
East Africa
11. Horn of Africa: Ethiopia,
Eritrea, Djibouti, and
12. Kenya
13. Tanzania
14. Uganda V.
Central Africa
15. Congo, Gabon, Central
African Republic, Cameroon, Chad,
Equatorial Guinea, and São
Tomé and Principé
16. DRCongo, Rwanda, and
17. Angola, Zambia, and
Malawi VI.
North Africa
18. Egypt and Sudan
19. Arab Maghreb Union:
Mauritania, Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, and
Libya VII.
Africa's Future
20. Commentary and Conclusions
Index Africa:
Continent of Economic Opportunities,
Chapters One, Two and
Twenty, feature Economic and
Political Policies; Challenges and
Opportunities; and Commentary and
Conclusions in the following
order: Chapter
One Easterly,
William Acemoglu,
Daron Mwencha,
Erastus JO Common
Market for Eastern and Southern Africa
(COMESA) Louw, Leon
Callisto Dichter,
David Bannock,
Graham World Bank
Finance Corporation Neshamba,
Francis Mpanga,
David FK Tukur,
Alhaji Bamanga Timba,
Patterson Morris,
Julian Ayittey,
George Khoza,
Reuel Chapter
Two Museveni,
Yoweri Colman,
Tony Short,
Claire Corporate
Council on Africa Africa
Business Forum (Wharton) Oxfam
Paul H Bono (Paul
Hewson) Melloan,
George Whitaker,
Rosa M Overseas
Private Investment Corporation Thurow,
Roger Steinmann,
Daniel Chapter
20 Paxton,
Brian UNECA Sachs,
Jeffrey Bush,
George Wolfensohn,
James O'Connor,
Judy M Annan,
Kofi Kufuor,
John Diouf,
Jacques Mendoza,
Miguel Rodríguez Museveni,
Yoweri Thurow,
Roger Asea,
Patrick Young,
Andrew Amponsah,
William A Wangwe,
Samuel Evans,
Peter Begna, Ato
Gebreyes Lamberti,
Mark Shuttleworth,
Mark Tukur,
Alhaji Bamanga O'Driscoll
Jr, Gera Dave Fick:
Recommend by
Editor of Africa Travel
by Dave